The Sky is the limit - CONTEST winners

19 min read

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:iconsupernatural-art: :iconall-artists: :iconhighqualityart: :iconpsychoartistunited:

Hi! Hellooooo! Hi!
So with this lyrics of PLANETSHAKERS, I leave you some encouragement words for your work. There is no theme, It can be represented anyway you want it as long as it is a visual media. Fan art is accepted (manipers, dont use celebrities photos).
Portray what ever comes to mind, there is not specific theme or medium, all is accepted, just make something new, amazing and only for this contest.

blue orb divider by WhiskeyxGirl90

I`m saying goodbye to all limitation 
I`m saying hello to the god of all creation 
there are no limits with you 
you`re limitless nothing`s too hard for you 
you`re limitless there`s nothing you cannot do 
you are bigger and you`re greater and you`re stronger, I know 
you`re limitless 

blue orb divider by WhiskeyxGirl90

Red Rose Left : Bullets by AngelicHellraiser DEADLINE:Red Rose Left : Bullets by AngelicHellraiser

30 DECEMBER - 23:59hs

D: Red Roses by AngelicHellraiser

Feel free to send a note for anything you want to donate.. Lalalamas, commissions, features, etc.
You will be add to our Donators list , have one work submit in the VIP folder at HighQualityArt and featured in all my groups.
You can still participate even if you donate prizes.
We will have again two categories as always so more people can win, be sure your donation works for two places in each category. We will have a total of 6 winners.
We have 3600:points: for prizes 
thanks to FrostBo & BloomingRoseXeniia & shomyshomy :w00t:

Red Death by AngelicHellraiserCATEGORIES:

Bullet; Blue Digital Art (3D, paintings, manipulations, mixed media, vector, pixel)…
Bullet; Blue Traditional Art (artisan craft, drawings, sculptures, body art, photography)…

Red Death by AngelicHellraiser RULES:
Bullet; Blue Has to be New and made only for this contest after the 18th November. Add in the comment area "Made for "The Sky is the limit contest".
Bullet; Blue Send your entry link to me by note so i can add it to the folders. Only one entry per member by folder. It means you can submit one to each category.
Bullet; Blue The work can be any kind of media except Literature. Fan art is welcome.
Bullet; Blue Credit all the resources used and write them in the artist comment with a valid link to each one of them. (not just to profiles.) Check the forbidden sites list Point

Red Death by AngelicHellraiserINSPIRATIONS

Trap by escume  
 Proud Fallen Angel Alukiel - reg by DavidGaillet
Elise the Spider Queen by katiedesousa

Red Death by AngelicHellraiser PRIZES so far:

Red Rose Left : Bullets by AngelicHellraiserFirst places
Bullet; Blue 1300:points: from the pool donation.
Bullet; Blue100:points: from BloomingRoseXeniia
Bullet; Blue Features from me.
Bullet; Blue Features in #HighQualityArt
Bullet; Blue Features in #Supernatural-art
Bullet; Blue Features in #PsychoArtistUnited
Bullet; Blue Features in DigitalArtShowcase
Bullet; Blue Features in A-Foggy-Day
Bullet; Blue Features in #All-Artists
Bullet; Blue Features in Trees-With-character
Bullet; Blue Features in   manga-anime--art
Bullet; Blue Features by shomyshomy
Bullet; Blue Features by Roses-to-Ashes
Bullet; Blue Features by Clash-Of-The-Titans
Bullet; Blue Features by BloomingRoseXeniia
Bullet; Blue Features by WorldWar-Tori
Bullet; Blue Features by Nameda
Bullet; Blue Features by HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Blue Features by Anne-Wipf
Bullet; Blue Features by Charmed-Ravenclaw
Bullet; Blue Features by WishmasterAlchemist
 Bullet; BlueExclusive resources by FrostBo
:bulletblue: One commission by Loneion
:bulletblue: One commission by BlairFujin
Bullet; BlueDiscount coupons for her store from strictlyhandmade
:bulletblue: One commission by ernieselephants
:bulletblue: One commission by keixayaka
Bullet; Blue Llama from me.
Bullet; Blue Llama from Animefanka
Bullet; Blue Llama from Isalovesphotography
Bullet; Blue Llama from strictlyhandmade
Bullet; Blue Llama from Nameda
Bullet; Blue Llama from Aphroditethatsme
Bullet; Blue Llama from primalfuryan
Bullet; Blue Llama from Charlene-Art

Red Rose Left : Bullets by AngelicHellraiserSecond places
Bullet; Blue 300:points:  from the pool donation.
Bullet; Blue Features from me.
Bullet; Blue Features in #HighQualityArt
Bullet; Blue Features in #Supernatural-art
Bullet; Blue Features in #PsychoArtistUnited
Bullet; Blue Features in #All-Artists
Bullet; Blue Features in A-Foggy-Day
Bullet; Blue Features in   manga-anime--art
Bullet; Blue Features in Trees-With-character
Bullet; Blue Features by Clash-Of-The-Titans
Bullet; Blue Features by shomyshomy
Bullet; Blue Features by Roses-to-Ashes
Bullet; Blue Features by BloomingRoseXeniia
Bullet; Blue Features by Nameda
Bullet; Blue Features by Charmed-Ravenclaw
Bullet; Blue Features by WishmasterAlchemist
Bullet; Blue Features by WorldWar-Tori
Bullet; BlueExclusive resources by FrostBo
Bullet; BlueDiscount coupons for her store from strictlyhandmade
:bulletblue: One commission by keixayaka
:bulletblue: One commission by ChiuSai
Bullet; Blue Llama from me.
Bullet; Blue Llama from BlairFujin
Bullet; Blue Llama from Isalovesphotography
Bullet; Blue Llama from strictlyhandmade
Bullet; Blue Llama from Nameda
Bullet; Blue Llama from Aphroditethatsme
Bullet; Blue Llama from Charlene-Art

Red Rose Left : Bullets by AngelicHellraiserThird places
Bullet; Blue 100:points:  from the pool donation.
Bullet; Blue Features from me.
Bullet; Blue Features in #HighQualityArt
Bullet; Blue Features in #Supernatural-art
Bullet; Blue Features in #PsychoArtistUnited
Bullet; Blue Features in #All-Artists
Bullet; Blue Features in A-Foggy-Day
Bullet; Blue Features in   manga-anime--art
Bullet; Blue Features by Clash-Of-The-Titans
Bullet; Blue Features in Trees-With-character
Bullet; Blue Features by shomyshomy
Bullet; Blue Features by Roses-to-Ashes
Bullet; Blue Features by BloomingRoseXeniia
Bullet; Blue Features by WorldWar-Tori
Bullet; Blue Features by Charmed-Ravenclaw
Bullet; Blue Features by WishmasterAlchemist
Bullet; Blue Features by Nameda
Bullet; BlueExclusive resources by FrostBo
Bullet; BlueDiscount coupons for her store from strictlyhandmade
:bulletblue: One commission by keixayaka
Bullet; Blue Llama from me.
Bullet; Blue Llama from  Animefanka
Bullet; Blue Llama from Isalovesphotography
Bullet; Blue Llama from Nameda
Bullet; Blue Llama from strictlyhandmade
Bullet; Blue Llama from Aphroditethatsme
Bullet; Blue Llama from Charlene-Art

blue orb divider by WhiskeyxGirl90

Red Death by AngelicHellraiserWINNERS:

There where entries tha should have won but did not follow the simple rules above, sorry :hmm:
Red Rose Left : Bullets by AngelicHellraiserDIGITAL ART
1º Light  in the Dark by Vikki93
I Found Something by Wesley-Souza
Sky Is The Limit by Deviantcloverlee

blue orb divider by WhiskeyxGirl90

Red Rose Left : Bullets by AngelicHellraiserTRADITIONAL ART
1º Pena Forest by Miguel-Santos
born to be free by Lovepeace-S

blue orb divider by WhiskeyxGirl90

 Sky Is The Limit by ZedLord-Art Moonlight by Mavrosh Back in summer by Wintella Moment between earth and sky by dareme

blue orb divider by WhiskeyxGirl90





:iconsupernatural-art: :iconhighqualityart: :iconpsychoartistunited: :iconall-artists:  :iconall-media:  :icondigitalartshowcase: :icontrees-with-character: :icona-foggy-day: :iconmanga-anime--art: :iconphotomanip101: :iconall-about-features: :iconclash-of-the-titans: :iconall-for-art: 
blue orb divider by WhiskeyxGirl90

© 2013 - 2024 StarsColdNight