Points for everyone!

2 min read

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StarsColdNight's avatar


Helloooo :w00t:
So i got this new idea to make the prizes more interesting when we do contests..So i started now a donation pool in my profile to get all the points we can so we will always have points to give you guys as prizes,in return i will give you a llama after 5:points: as long as i have llamas hehe..I always give the points from my pocket so its a bit expensive..So if you have some spare points please donate them to the pool right on top of my profile..I thinks its easyr this way so i dont have to ask for it everytime we get a new contest, i dont like taking all your points hehe So if you want, you now what to do.. Ah and before a forget you can contributed in other ways, read our Valentine Contest contributions blog that will alway be posted again for each contest. thanks! have a great weekend :hug:

PS: the literature contest will end in 5 days! hurry!

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