Photoshop CS6 extended - Quick review

5 min read

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StarsColdNight's avatar
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Interesting features!

So after purchasing my One year subscription for the Creative cloud that enables all the Photoshop programs for only 49.9$ per month i found many interesting things in this new CS.
You can get it from


Buy Adobe Creative Cloud here :pointl:… :pointr:


I'll be making this review so you can see what are the new features in this program in a short and easy to understand blog.
The same tools and template at your service with 4 colors to choose.

Mixer brush & Liquify tool

One of the most helpfull tools for quick paintings is the Mixer brush that is only in the CS5 & CS6.
The Patch & Liquify tool have improve 60% execusion and they load faster then before.

<da:embed wytiwyg="1" profile="youtube" id="QGSMN4jSr4o"> <da:embed wytiwyg="1" profile="youtube" id="vDf5htsLza0">

3D platform

A new feature in this program is the 3D platform to work freely with your layers while working. A helfull tool to create 3D objects from images in PNG or drawings you made. It can also cast shadows, add highlights and be safed as jpg,psd,png and others.

<da:embed wytiwyg="1" profile="youtube" id="SHKJqZKjoNY">

Blur Tool

The Blur effects have 3 new tools, The Iris blur, The Field blur and The Inclination blur. There is so much you can do with them, even change the point of blur from 2 to more spots.
<da:embed wytiwyg="1" profile="youtube" id="MFPpkhe9gfo">

Wind Tool

Other interesting tool that remain but is more stronge now is the Wind effect that you can find in the Filter/Stylize/wind  menu

<da:embed wytiwyg="1" profile="youtube" id="OK_K3gB7VY0">

Patch Tool

A new amazing way to erase objects or persons, or move them to another side of the photo is using the Patch tool & the Content-Aware mode tool. Huge help when deleting things from your works.

<da:embed wytiwyg="1" profile="youtube" id="-7GIURHoRUc">

Animation & Video:

This is a great tool to creat quick and interesting videos or animations. You can even use Real videos as the files and play with the images as well. You can also add sound and transition effects.

<da:embed wytiwyg="1" profile="youtube" id="yW3ciN5BPcs">

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Dorothy-T-Rose's avatar
Very helpful! I wrote something like that for CS5. Is there a way to get just Photoshop and not spend money on all the other programs, which I'm likely never going to use?
