My Journals Index

11 min read

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StarsColdNight's avatar


FAQs - Website - Commissions info  - Blog Index   -  Tutorials  -  Tumblr - My awards - Stock RULES - Photoshop UK -   Behance

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-Society6 -Zazzle  - Redbubble - Inprint - Deviantart


Hi there :w00t:
Here is the list of almost all the blogs i made..its easy to find them all with a simple index hehe :D


:bulletpink: TIPS
:bulletpink:DONATORS LIST
:bulletpink:RESOURCES  RULES - Legal stock sites problem
:bulletpink:Every day brushes
:bulletpink:Contests I won
:bulletpink:Artists I recommend
:bulletblue:Halloween contest 2010
:bulletpink:My Featured Works I
:bulletpink:My Featured Works II
:bulletpink:Thanks to all!
:bulletblue:Literature Contest
:bulletblue:Christmas Contest winners
:bulletpink:Points for everyone!
:bulletblue:Valentine Heart Contest.
:bulletblue:Darkness Angel Contest
:bulletblue:Draw Horns - Mini Contest
:bulletpink:Psycho artists united
:bulletblue:Dead memories Contest
:bulletpink:Watchers and tagged
:bulletblue:Bloody night, Silent night- Contest
:bulletblue:Holly Icon - Mini contest
:bulletblue:Valentine contest 2012
:bulletpink:My first DD and thank you!
:bulletpink:Photoshop CS6 extended - Quick review
:bulletblue:The other side of Me - CONTEST
:bulletpink:My second DD  + features.
:bulletblue:Challenge #2 - Freaking creepy
:bulletpink: 3th Daily Deviation and recommendations
:bulletpink: Daily Deviation 4 + features!
:bulletpink:Birthday #22
:bulletblue:Photo manipulation Month!
:bulletblue:Living After Midnight - contest
:bulletblue:Christmas theme! Frozen Contest
:bulletblue:Lovers revenge - Contest
:bulletblue:Challenge #2 - Contest
:bulletblue:Sound of Madness - Contest
:bulletblue:  Sweet and Toxic - Contest 

I recommend:

Groups i support:

 :iconfeedbackfrenzy: :iconall-artists: :iconhighqualityart: :iconpsychoartistunited: :icondigital-art-club: :iconsupernatural-art: 


You Think I Care Stamp by bizarrostamps Stamp by Nephthys-magic Depression Stamp by SparkLum Smile Stamp by Tibb-Wolf I REFUSE Stamp by RoxyOblivion 'Explaining' Stamp by Sonira-Stamps Open your Mind Stamp by quazo    Not accepting points requests by Feidhelm  :thumb331683147: They're My Children by savagebinn Essence of Halloween by r0se-designs DD Stamp by KillboxGraphics [Stamp] I support my watchers! by Kinnek0 Important to be Nice Stamp by Southrobin Fun not fame... by prosaix Invisible by pjuk Chronic yawner by prosaix Never... by prosaix :thumb286006749: Active Every Day Stamp by Hunter-Arkaman :thumb287283396: Stamp: Magical Powers by TheSaltyMonster :thumb288011392: DW Vworp Vworp Stamp by TwilightProwler Stamp: Waiting for Ikuto by MerMayLove

© 2010 - 2024 StarsColdNight
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