Lovers revenge - Contest WINNERS

15 min read

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:iconsupernatural-art: :iconpsychoartistunited: :iconhighqualityart: :iconall-artists:
D: Yume by AngelicHellraiser

According to the timezone of Paraguay, Asunción -3

Divider I by RBSRdesigns
The party's over
When the music ends

If we can't be lovers

Then we really can't be friends
I got some pretty wicked ways
To get my sweet revenge
I want your ugly, I want your disease
I want your everything as long as it's free
I want your horror, I want your design
'Cause you're a criminal as long as you're mine...
Divider I by RBSRdesigns

So with this lyrics of Christine Mcvie & Lady Gaga i leave you the inspiration for your work. It can be represented anyway you want it as long as it is a visual media. Fan art is accepted.

We need more prizes for this, feel free to send a note for anything you want to donate.. You will be add to our donators list, have one work submit in the VIP folder at HighQualityArt and featured in all my groups :)
We will have again two categories as always so more people can win, be sure your donation works for two places in each category. We will have a total of 6 winners.

:bulletblue: Digital Art (3D, paintings, manipulations, mixed media, vector, pixel)…
:bulletblue: Traditional Art (artisan craft, drawings, sculptures, body art, photography).…

:bulletred: Has to be :new and made only for this contest after the 14th January. Add in the comment area "Made for "Lovers revenge contest ".
:bulletred: Send your entry link to me by note so i can add it to the folders. Only one entry per member by folder. It means you can submit one to each category.
:bulletred: The work can be any kind of media except Literature. Fan art is welcome.
:bulletred: Credit all the resources used and write them in the artist comment with a valid link to each one of them.

:thumb186519486: Revenge by go-back-to-sleep merman embarment by heise
Revenge by S34nny

Mature Content

Humiliated by Sangelus


There where several works i wanted to win, but they had not all the resources listed.

Mature Content

Whose Name Is Jealous by smile7z
by smile7z
:thumb183498440: Should have killed you earlier by Cocoz42 by Cocoz42
:thumb183498445: by crysiblu

D: Yume by AngelicHellraiser

:thumb183498428::bigthumb356206371: by NoirDragonesse
:thumb183498440::bigthumb355954175: by Drecun
:thumb183498445::bigthumb356323972: by HeartyStar

PRIZES so far:

First places
:bulletblue: 40:points: from In2umniaKillH3r
:bulletblue: 50:points: by MiaLuyando
:bulletblue: 1000:points: from the pool donation.
:bulletblue: Features from me.
:bulletblue: Features by MiaLuyando
:bulletblue: Features in HighQualityArt
:bulletblue: Features in Supernatural-art
:bulletblue: Features in PsychoArtistUnited
:bulletblue: Features in All-Artists
:bulletblue: Features in Rosary-Cross-Club
:bulletblue: Features in MarieLaVeau-VooDoo
:bulletblue: Features in The-Imaginarium
:bulletblue: A written commission by Sylvano-DRAGON
:bulletblue: A Drawing commission by Olaf68
:bulletblue: A Drawing commission by maegaze
:bulletblue: A Drawing commission by kornelyte
:bulletblue: Llama from me.
:bulletblue: Llama from by MiaLuyando


Second places
:bulletblue: 30:points: from In2umniaKillH3r
:bulletblue: 30:points: by MiaLuyando
:bulletblue: 500:points: from the pool donation.
:bulletblue: Features from me.
:bulletblue: Features by MiaLuyando
:bulletblue: Features in HighQualityArt
:bulletblue: Features in Supernatural-art
:bulletblue: Features in PsychoArtistUnited
:bulletblue: Features in All-Artists
:bulletblue: Features in Rosary-Cross-Club
:bulletblue: Features in MarieLaVeau-VooDoo
:bulletblue: Features in The-Imaginarium
:bulletblue: A written commission by Sylvano-DRAGON
:bulletblue: Llama from me.
:bulletblue: Llama from by MiaLuyando


Third places
:bulletblue: 20:points: from In2umniaKillH3r
:bulletblue: 20:points: by MiaLuyando
:bulletblue: 1 month membership from the pool donation.
:bulletblue: Features from me.
:bulletblue: Features by MiaLuyando
:bulletblue: Features by Sylvano-DRAGON
:bulletblue: Features in HighQualityArt
:bulletblue: Features in Supernatural-art
:bulletblue: Features in PsychoArtistUnited
:bulletblue: Features in All-Artists
:bulletblue: Features in Rosary-Cross-Club
:bulletblue: Features in MarieLaVeau-VooDoo
:bulletblue: Features in The-Imaginarium
:bulletblue: Llama from me.
:bulletblue: Llama from by MiaLuyando

:iconsupernatural-art: :iconhighqualityart: :iconpsychoartistunited: :iconall-artists: :iconrosary-cross-club: :iconmarielaveau-voodoo: :iconthe-imaginarium: :icontheartofmanipulation: :iconcrphotomanipulation: :iconi--love: :icongoldmedalart: :iconrealm-of-fantasy: :iconece-group: :icondigital-art-club: :icondeviant-awesome:


Listening To:
Deathcab for Cutie
Modern Warfare 2
© 2013 - 2024 StarsColdNight
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