Living After Midnight - contest! WINNERS

18 min read

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StarsColdNight's avatar
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:iconsupernatural-art: :iconhighqualityart: :iconpsychoartistunited:

from 26th September to 31th October

imezone of Paraguay, Asuncion GMT -4 hours

Living after midnight
Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
I am the one hiding under your bed
I am the one hiding under yours stairs
I am the clown with the tear-away face
Here in a flash and gone without a trace
I am the wind blowing through your hair
That's our job, but we're not mean
In our town of Halloween

So with this lyrics of Judas Priest & from Tim Burton, i give you the inspiration to create your work.
There has to be a pumpkin somewhere in the work :pumpkin: (or it will be Disqualified) & it has to be represented in the midnight time, so it has to be at night, anyway you want it.

  You can send your prize by note to me and you will be add to our donators list & will have one work submit in the VIP folder at HighQualityArt + a llama from me and features!
:points: donations here :pointr:
We will have again two categories as always so more people can win, be sure your donation works for two places in each category. We will have a total of 6 winners.


:bulletblue:   Digital Art (3D, pantings, manipulations, mixed media, vector, pixel)…
:bulletblue:   Traditional Art (artisan craft, drawings, sculptures, body art, photography).…


:bulletred: Has to be :new: and made only for this contest after the 26th. Add in the comment area "Made for "Living after midnight- contest ".
:bulletred: Send your entrie link to me by note so i can add it to the folders. Only one entry per member by folder. It means you can submitt one to each categorie.
:bulletred: The work can be any kind of media except Literature. Fan art is welcome.
:bulletred: Credit all the resources used and write them in the artist comment with a valid link to each one of them.
:bulletred: There has to be a pumpkin somewhere in the work :pumpkin:


:pumpkin: PRIZES

:bulletyellow: 1000:points: from the pool donation.
:bulletyellow: Feature from me.
:bulletyellow: Features by nikkidoodlesx3
:bulletyellow: Features by Celebphilin
:bulletyellow: Features by Quaddles-Roost
:bulletyellow: Features by Seavannah
:bulletyellow: Features by Fiamma-Studios
:bulletyellow: Features by Ata-Ur-Rehman
:bulletyellow: Features in HighQualityArt
:bulletyellow: Features in Supernatural-art
:bulletyellow: Features in PsychoArtistUnited
:bulletyellow: Features in The-Imaginarium
:bulletyellow: Features in DA-A-U
:bulletyellow: Features in darkclub
:bulletyellow: One drawing comission by Celebphilin
:bulletyellow: One drawing comission by TheBlackAngel07
:bulletyellow: One drawing comission by PeppermintRain
:bulletyellow: One drawing comission by  Duendepiecito
:bulletyellow: One 10% discount coupon by strictlyhandmade
:bulletyellow: Llama from me.
:bulletyellow: Llama from  alexrashidart
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Celebphilin
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Seavannah
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Fiamma-Studios
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Ata-Ur-Rehman
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Duendepiecito

:bulletyellow: 500:points: from the donation pool.
:bulletyellow: Feature from me.
:bulletyellow: Features by nikkidoodlesx3
:bulletyellow: Features by Celebphilin
:bulletyellow: Features by Quaddles-Roost
:bulletyellow: Features by Seavannah
:bulletyellow: Features by Fiamma-Studios
:bulletyellow: Features by Ata-Ur-Rehman
:bulletyellow: Features in HighQualityArt
:bulletyellow: Features in Supernatural-art
:bulletyellow: Features in PsychoArtistUnited
:bulletyellow: Features in The-Imaginarium
:bulletyellow: Features in DA-A-U
:bulletyellow: Features in darkclub
:bulletyellow: One drawing comission by Celebphilin
:bulletyellow: One 10% discount coupon by strictlyhandmade
:bulletyellow: Llama from me.
:bulletyellow: Llama from  alexrashidart
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Celebphilin
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Seavannah
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Fiamma-Studios
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Ata-Ur-Rehman

:bulletyellow: One month membership from the donation pool.
:bulletyellow: Feature from me.
:bulletyellow: Features by nikkidoodlesx3
:bulletyellow: Features by Celebphilin
:bulletyellow: Features by Quaddles-Roost
:bulletyellow: Features by Seavannah
:bulletyellow: Features by Fiamma-Studios
:bulletyellow: Features by Ata-Ur-Rehman
:bulletyellow: Features in HighQualityArt
:bulletyellow: Features in Supernatural-art
:bulletyellow: Features in PsychoArtistUnited
:bulletyellow: Features in The-Imaginarium
:bulletyellow: Features in DA-A-U
:bulletyellow: Features in darkclub
:bulletyellow: One drawing comission by Celebphilin
:bulletyellow: One 10% discount coupon by strictlyhandmade
:bulletyellow: Llama from me.
:bulletyellow: Llama from  alexrashidart
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Celebphilin
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Seavannah
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Fiamma-Studios
:bulletyellow: Llama from  Ata-Ur-Rehman

:pumpkin: PROMOTING

:iconsupernatural-art: :iconhighqualityart: :iconpsychoartistunited: :iconthe-imaginarium:  :iconda-a-u: :icondeviantsgallery: :iconheavenly-manips: :iconfantastic-fantasies: :icondigital-art-club: :icondarkart-challenges: :iconall-for-art:   :iconmanipulator-artists: :iconbeauty-gothic-girls: :iconanothercontestgroup: :icondarkclub: :iconhalloweenmaniacs: :iconall-artists:



Honorable mentions:
:thumb330366871: The Headless Horseman by Jcdow3Arts L.A.M-Contest Entry by deadspirit6 Living After Midnight by Wesley-Souza


© 2012 - 2024 StarsColdNight
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Jcdow3Arts's avatar
Thanks for the Honorable Mention on my Headless Horseman.