For the bday wishes and love!

8 min read

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StarsColdNight's avatar

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Hi there :wave:
I had a very nice day and prew day with my family and husband. I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes :party: I also have this with my husband cause he was born the 26th and I 27th so we party together :) thank you very much for all the lovely wishes and comments :hug:

Thank you so much to all the active watchers, the ones that always leave lovely comments, favs and llamas :happycry: As i always say, you are the reason wy i keep coming back :dalove:
Special thanks for the Bday gifs to :iconatralunadesign: & :iconvampirekingdom:  and to  :iconaquardial: & :iconiantp: for the cakes :hungry:
:bigthumb323732577: The Descent by vampirekingdom

Party pICS :D


The sides who claim themselves by StarsColdNight A Dark Temptation by StarsColdNight

Things you need to know

Watchers features VIII + Amazing work! - Comission prices - Shadowness -   Tutorials - Facebook fan -   Thumblr INDEX - Donators list - My Daily Deviations Hi there :wave: Like every week here my watchers features that leave their THUMB in the pool, remember all thimbs are featured, i dont reject any type of art in this area :)Also want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes :party: I dont know how the calendar on your side of the world is but my birthday is the 27th (tomorrow) according to my country :confused: and i keep gettting BDays today hehe so weird, but very thank full,Thank you so much to all the active watchers, the ones that always leave lovely commen... :thumb319791648: Basic brushes of every dayHellooooo :wave:Thought i made a list of the brushes I use in every work all the time hehe Here some very help full resources i can't avoid to use in most of the works i do, enjoy! :)  BRUSHES                   I recommend            Tutorial Video s NEW RULE! BOOK COVERS and commercial use:You can use them as long as you credit each stock provided in the book too. And of course you need to contact the other stockers to see if they agree, because you also need to give a fee (money) for this to ALL OF US..unless they don't ask you about it. Which I DO. I request 15$ for my PNG, PSD files and 25$ for my premade bcakgrounds. This goes for b... What you need to know - Photomanipulations - Comission prices - Shadowness - My-space - Youtube - Livestream - Facebook fan - Thumblr Helloooo there :wave: I have put together some helpful blogs and journals for you to read and have all the tools in your journey as a Photomanipulations artist. This amazing members had the kindness to gatter the basic and important informations you need. Tool of examples :iconphotoshopplz: In advance sorry my bad grammar.The galleries in deviantart are divided by a specific theme in sub-categories that makes them easy to find. Abstract Animals & Plants Conceptual Dark Emotional Fantasy Humor...

© 2012 - 2024 StarsColdNight
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Marazul45's avatar
A good celebration, thanks for sharing it with us!:iconcheerplz: