First DD + contest and thank you!

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StarsColdNight's avatar

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Helloooo :wave:
Hope you had a great week end! I had an amazing monday (even though i hate them) cause i found out i got a DD for my work "Requiem of the fallen"

today :woohoo: :faint: mY FIRST DD, i can't believe it :faint: I work so hard on this one i'm sooooo happy. I always admired all the amazing artists that get their work in the DD hall of fame :love: I'm so proud to be there as i'm honored and very gratefull to Aeirmid for suggesting and to kuschelirmel for Featuring my work :hug:

And also my new premade background has a looooot of favs :wow:

My work Requiem For The Fallen by StarsColdNight has also won first place :trophy:  at the :iconlavolpecimina: Human & Music Contest.

Second DD + Features - Comission prices - Shadowness -   Tutorials - Facebook fan -   Thumblr INDEX - Donators list - My Daily Deviations Hellloooooooooooo :woohoo: I'm soooo happy! I've ben feeling very down and unshure about my works this last months because i have more then 1600 watchers but i get a top of 100 favs in one work :hmm: I'm not shure if is just my skills not improving, or the themes i use are not interesting, or is it just because i dont get enough exposure and most people deleted their inbox without looking because of the sooo many deviations they get.And today BOOM i got my second Daily Deviation :party: Thank you sooooooo very mu...

Thank you again so much for all the favs, comments, llamas and love :dalove: I have not the time to reply all but you can ashure i read each of them :hug: Thank you again, have a great Valentine day tomorrow and have fun! :love:

© 2012 - 2024 StarsColdNight
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MaliciaRoseNoire's avatar
Congratulations ^^ !!