Fairy Tales contest WINNERS

19 min read

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StarsColdNight's avatar


:iconsupernatural-art: :iconall-artists: :iconhighqualityart: :iconpsychoartistunited:

 A fairy tale is a type of short story that typically features European folkloric fantasy characters, such as fairiesgoblinselvestrolls,dwarvesgiantswitchesmermaids, or gnomes, and usually magic or enchantments. by wiki.
This contest will be very fun! I decided to let you choose a Tale to portray a scene as part of your entry. It can be from any country you like, or books or movies as long as it is real, not invented by you. I leave some awesome sites to take a look for stories. Have fun! Special thanks to sirenabonita for donating most of the points for the contest :hug:

:police: ATENTION:
      Greek mythology is not a fairy tale. They are concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. 
:bulletred: www.worldoftales.com/fairy_tal…
:bulletred: dailysciencefiction.com/story
:bulletred: fairytalesoftheworld.com/quick…
:bulletred: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy_ta…

Zeki Animals + Rose and Thorn Divider by AngelicHellraiser

Red Rose Left : Bullets by AngelicHellraiserDEADLINE: Red Rose Left : Bullets by AngelicHellraiser
13 May 2014 20:00hs 

       :happybounce: COUNTDOWN.:happybounce:  

 Feel free to send a note for anything you want to donate.. Lalalamas, commissions, features, etc. 
You will be add to our Donators list, have one work submit in the VIP folder at HighQualityArt and featured in all my groups.
You can still participate even if you donate prizes.
We will have again two categories as always so more people can win, be sure your donation works for two places in each category. We will have a total of 6 winners.
D: Red Roses by AngelicHellraiser


Bullet; Blue   Digital art  (3D, paintings, manipulations, mixed media, vector, pixel)  
Bullet; Blue    Traditional art (artisan craft, drawings, sculptures, body art, photography)   

Bullet; Blue Has to be New and made only for this contest after the 4th april. Add in the comment area "Made for "The tales contest ".
Bullet; Blue Send your entry link to me by note so i can add it to the folders. Only 2 entries per member by folder. It means you can submit 2 to each category.
Bullet; Blue The work can be any kind of media except Literature. Fan art is welcome.
Bullet; Blue Credit all the resources used and write them in the artist comment with a direct link to each one of them. (not just to profiles.) Check the forbidden sites list Point Rightfav.me/d4p2nm5 fav.me/d76ivji

:police: Sites we dont accept as stock source:

Bullet; Red Photobucket
Bullet; Red Google
Bullet; Red MorgueFile
Bullet; Red Wikimedia
Bullet; Red Facebook
Bullet; Red Thumblr
Bullet; Red Taringa
Bullet; Red NASA
Bullet; Red Gfxspot and the similar ones 
Bullet; Red Renders of any type or site

-The Enchanted Pond- by MarcBrunet Grimm Fairy Tales: Myths and Legends 17 by capprotti
Story telling by derrickSong 

Werewolf 1 by Filipe-Pagliuso The Turn of Seasons by Ardariel
D: Red Roses by AngelicHellraiser

 PRIZES so far:

Red Rose Left : Bullets by AngelicHellraiserFirst places
:bulletblue: 50:points: from YBsilon-Stock
:bulletblue: 50:points: from EveLivesey
Bullet; Blue 1000Points from the pool donation.
Bullet; Blue Features from me.
Bullet; Blue Features in #HighQualityArt
Bullet; Blue Features in #Supernatural-art
Bullet; Blue Features in #PsychoArtistUnited
Bullet; Blue Features in #All-Artists
Bullet; Blue Features in StephenKingTower
Bullet; Blue Features in In-Obscuro
Bullet; Blue Features in TheVoiceOfManips
Bullet; Blue Features from Plynwfire607
Bullet; Blue Features from Urumiccina
Bullet; Blue Features from passion-aesthete
Bullet; Blue Features from  Bit-sinna
Bullet; Blue Features from WishmasterAlchemist
Bullet; Blue Features from MelikeBAt
Bullet; Blue Features from Yo-Illuminator
Bullet; Blue Features from  HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Blue Features from  SignHermitCrab  
:bulletblue: Features by WorldWar-Tori

:bulletblue: Features by Angelles-LaVeau
:bulletblue: Features by SobohRami
:bulletblue: Features by SignHermitCrab
:bulletblue: Features by HermitCrabStock
:bulletblue: Features by F-Lagerdahl
:bulletblue: Features by ADamselinDesign
:bulletblue: Features by DamselStock
Bullet; Blue One month folder features in HighQualityArt
Bullet; Blue One commission by Souls-of-Fire
Bullet; Blue One commission by Yo-Illuminator
Bullet; Blue One exclusive stock from MelikeBAt 
:bulletblue: One commission by haruhi116
:bulletblue: One commission by mippieArt
:bulletblue: Exclusive stock from EveLivesey
:bulletblue: Exclusive stock for digital category from LadyEvilArts
:bulletblue: Exclusive stock from YBsilon-Stock
Bullet; Blue Llama from WorldWar-Tori
Bullet; Blue Llama from me.
Bullet; Blue Llama from  passion-aesthete
Bullet; Blue Llama from Urumiccina
Bullet; Blue Llama from  Bit-sinna
:bulletblue: Llama from Angelles-LaVeau 

Red Rose Left : Bullets by AngelicHellraiserSecond places
:bulletblue: 30:points: from YBsilon-Stock
:bulletblue: 40:points: from EveLivesey
Bullet; Blue 500Points from the pool donation.
Bullet; Blue Features from me.
Bullet; Blue Features in #HighQualityArt
Bullet; Blue Features in #Supernatural-art
Bullet; Blue Features in #PsychoArtistUnited
Bullet; Blue Features in #All-Artists
Bullet; Blue Features in In-Obscuro
Bullet; Blue Features in TheVoiceOfManips
Bullet; Blue Features in StephenKingTower
Bullet; Blue Features from Plynwfire607
Bullet; Blue Features from Urumiccina
Bullet; Blue Features from passion-aesthete
Bullet; Blue Features from  HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Blue Features from  SignHermitCrab
Bullet; Blue Features from  Bit-sinna
Bullet; Blue Features from WishmasterAlchemist
Bullet; Blue Features from MelikeBAt
:bulletblue: Features by Angelles-LaVeau
:bulletblue: Features by SignHermitCrab
:bulletblue: Features by HermitCrabStock
:bulletblue: Features by 
:bulletblue: Features by ADamselinDesign
:bulletblue: Features by DamselStock
Bullet; Blue One commission by ChiuSai
Bullet; Blue One commission by Souls-of-Fire
:bulletblue: Exclusive stock from EveLivesey
Bullet; Blue One commission by Yo-Illuminator
:bulletblue: One commission by 
:bulletblue: Exclusive stock from YBsilon-Stock
Bullet; Blue Llama from me.
Bullet; Blue Llama from  passion-aesthete
Bullet; Blue Llama from WorldWar-Tori
Bullet; Blue Llama from Urumiccina
Bullet; Blue Llama from  Bit-sinna
:bulletblue: Llama from Angelles-LaVeau

Red Rose Left : Bullets by AngelicHellraiserThird places
:bulletblue: 20:points: from YBsilon-Stock
:bulletblue: 30:points: from EveLivesey
Bullet; Blue 100Points from the pool donation.
Bullet; Blue Features from me.
Bullet; Blue Features in #HighQualityArt
Bullet; Blue Features in #Supernatural-art
Bullet; Blue Features in #PsychoArtistUnited
Bullet; Blue Features in #All-Artists
Bullet; Blue Features in In-Obscuro
Bullet; Blue Features in TheVoiceOfManips
Bullet; Blue Features in StephenKingTower
Bullet; Blue Features from Plynwfire607
Bullet; Blue Features from Urumiccina
Bullet; Blue Features from passion-aesthete
Bullet; Blue Features from MelikeBAt
Bullet; Blue Features from WishmasterAlchemist
Bullet; Blue Features from Yo-Illuminator
Bullet; Blue Features from  HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Blue Features from  SignHermitCrab
:bulletblue: Features by WorldWar-Tori
:bulletblue: Features by Angelles-LaVeau
:bulletblue: Features by SignHermitCrab
:bulletblue: Features by HermitCrabStock
:bulletblue: Features by 
:bulletblue: Features by ADamselinDesign
:bulletblue: Features by DamselStock
Bullet; Blue One commission by Souls-of-Fire
:bulletblue: Exclusive stock from EveLivesey
Bullet; Blue One commission by Yo-Illuminator
:bulletblue: One commission by 
:bulletblue: Exclusive stock from YBsilon-Stock
Bullet; Blue Llama from me.
Bullet; Blue Llama from  passion-aesthete
Bullet; Blue Llama from WorldWar-Tori
Bullet; Blue Llama from Urumiccina
Bullet; Blue Llama from  Bit-sinna
:bulletblue: Llama from Angelles-LaVeau

Red Candle (R) by AngelicHellraiserGROUPS HELPING:Red Candle (L) by AngelicHellraiser
:iconsupernatural-art: :iconhighqualityart: :iconpsychoartistunited: :iconall-artists: :iconstephenkingtower: :iconwe-heart-photomanip:  
:iconyes2all: :iconcommunity-hotspot: :iconallwomen: :icondeviantarttimes: :iconallart-r-us:  :iconall-about-features:  :iconall-for-art: :icondeviantarttimes: :icondevnews: :iconcommunity-hotspot: :iconfairytalestock: :iconin-obscuro: :iconthevoiceofmanips:  :iconthe-imaginarium:  :iconnocturirm:

Red Candle (R) by AngelicHellraiserWINNERS:Red Candle (L) by AngelicHellraiser
There where others worth the prize, but they did not follow our rules :hmm:

Elf Princess by pop-ipop

Jack and his Golden Snuff-Box by IanHinley

Red Riding Hood (maybe Red rowing hood) by BlueBitArt


 TheBlueLight by Yo-Illuminator

LilyntheLion by Yo-Illuminator

Little red riding hood vs Wolf by SquirrelHsieh





Journal Skin/Dragonfly Rider by gillianivyart
Stock textures by env1ro and hibbary and thumbfloat by Thewinator
© 2014 - 2024 StarsColdNight
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Urumiccina's avatar
fav.me/d7ldjom  here is my features :meow: congratulation to winners! :la: