FALLEN CHILD - Contest Winners

25 min read

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StarsColdNight's avatar



:iconsupernatural-art: :iconall-artists: :iconhighqualityart: :iconpsychoartistunited:

He said eternity..

Hold on tight,
As we say our last goodbyes
And this is, a moment that changes our whole lives.
So here we are,
This is the end,
But all that dies
Is born again...
The scars will still remain
From the ashes, I will rise again.
In this Moment.

To resume, why, how or when was has this child succumb to her/his destiny, was it a promise? a temptation? maybe a higher power choice?
Choose your fav description of a Fallen child and portray as you wish, all visual art is accepted. It does not Has to be a Angel, it can be any character you like. Explain why is a fallen one, have fun!
Journal Graphic - ChainDivider by Momma--G

22th May 

Journal Graphic - ChainDivider by Momma--G

    Feel free to send a note for anything you want to donate.. Lalalamas, commissions, features, etc. DONATE POINTS.
You will be add to our Donators List, have one work submit in the VIP Donators folder at HighQualityArt and featured in all my groups. 
    We will have again two categories as always so more people can win, be sure your donation works for two places in each category. 
    We will have a total of 6 winners.          

Gothic Bat Candle (Blue) by AngelicHellraiserCATEGORIES:

Bullet; Red Digital Art (3D, paintings, manipulations, mixed media, vector, pixel) starscoldnight.deviantart.com/…
Bullet; Red Traditional Art (artisan craft, drawings, sculptures, body art, photography) starscoldnight.deviantart.com/…


Bullet; Blue Has to be New and made only for this contest after the 25th September. Add in the comment area "Made for "Fallen contest ".
Bullet; Blue Send your entry link to me by note so i can add it to the folders. Only 1 entry per member by folder. It means you can submit 1 to Digital art & 1 to Traditional art.
Bullet; Blue The work can be any kind of visual media except Literature.
Bullet; BlueFan art is welcome.
Bullet; Blue Credit all the resources used and write them in the artist comment with a direct link to each one of them. (not just to profiles.) 
Check the forbidden sites list  
Point Right Legal stock sites problem


Bullet; Blue Tiene que ser nuevo y hecho sólo para este concurso después del 25 de septiembre. Añadir en el área de descripción "Made for Fallen contest ".
Bullet; Blue Envíe su enlace de entrada a mí por nota para que yo pueda añadir a las carpetas. Sólo 1 entrada por miembro, por carpeta. Esto significa que puede presentar 1 trabajo en la carpeta de arte digital y 1 en el arte tradicional.
Bullet; Blue El trabajo puede ser cualquier tipo de medios visuales, excepto Literatura. Fan art es aceptado.
Bullet; Blue Crédito todos los recursos utilizados con un enlace directo a cada uno de ellos. (no sólo a los perfiles.)
Vea la lista de sitios prohibidos Point Right Legal stock sites problem


<da:thumb id="495245137"/>  L'Errance des Limbes by 3mmI The Philosophy of Life by Helga-Helleborus Now, the world belongs to me by StarsColdNight Vampire Newborn by SamBriggs
Waking The Demon II by alexnoreaga Who You Are by anndr
<da:thumb id="430237463"/> Guide of Souls by Nikulina-Helena

Gothic Bat Candle (Blue) by AngelicHellraiserPRIZES:  

what you donate will be for 2 winners.


Bullet; Blue 800Points from the pool donation.
Bullet; Blue 20:points: from Methyss
Bullet; Blue 50:points:  from  stefanie-saw
250:points: crysiblu
Bullet; Blue 300:points:  from  bjnorberg
Bullet; Blue 250:points:  from  piaglud
Bullet; Blue Features in Supernatural-art
Bullet; Blue Features in HighQualityArt
Bullet; Blue Features in PsychoArtistUnited
Bullet; Blue Features in All-Artists
Bullet; Blue Features in Conclave-Monstrorum
Bullet; Blue Features by me.
Bullet; Blue Features by HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Blue Features by annewipf
Bullet; Blue Features by Teepy-teep
Bullet; Blue Features by TheNaughtyPirate
Bullet; Blue Features by  Wesley-Souza 
Bullet; Blue Features by Lolita-Artz
Bullet; Blue Features by tornadoeyesART
Bullet; Blue Features by AmberSeree
Bullet; Blue Features by lauraypablo
Bullet; Blue Features by Methyss
Bullet; Blue Features by MonochromaticART
Bullet; Blue Features by PriscillaSantanaArts
Bullet; Blue Features by Yuukon
Bullet; Blue One month spotlight Folder features HighQualityArt 
Bullet; Blue One exclusive stock from HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Blue One exclusive stock from Wesley-Souza 
Bullet; Blue One exclusive stock from FrancescaAmyMaria
Bullet; Blue One exclusive stock from marphilhearts
Bullet; Blue One exclusive stock from AmberSeree
Bullet; Blue One exclusive stock from CD-STOCK
Bullet; Blue One exclusive stock from MonochromaticART
Bullet; Blue One commission from Teepy-teep
Bullet; Blue One commission from daveisblue
Bullet; Blue One commission from Subtle-War
Bullet; Blue One commission from lDestiny
Bullet; Blue One commission from arcvision
Bullet; Blue One  print from SteveDeLaMare
Bullet; Blue One commission from @
Bullet; Blue Lama from TheNaughtyPirate
Bullet; Blue Lama from tornadoeyesART
Bullet; Blue Lama from AmberSeree
Bullet; Blue Lama from lauraypablo
Bullet; Blue Lama from lDestiny
Bullet; Blue Lama from  Methyss
Bullet; Blue Lama from  stefanie-saw
Bullet; Blue Lama from  MonochromaticART
Bullet; Blue Lama from  Yuukon
Bullet; Blue Lama from me.

Bullet; Blue 20:points: from Methyss
Bullet; Blue 250Points from the pool donation.
Bullet; Blue100:points:  from  piaglud
Bullet; Blue Features in Supernatural-art
Bullet; Blue Features in HighQualityArt
Bullet; Blue Features in PsychoArtistUnited
Bullet; Blue Features in All-Artists
Bullet; Blue Features in Conclave-Monstrorum
Bullet; Blue Features by me.
Bullet; Blue Features by HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Blue Features by annewipf
Bullet; Blue Features by  Wesley-Souza 
Bullet; Blue Features by Lolita-Artz
Bullet; Blue Features by tornadoeyesART
Bullet; Blue Features by AmberSeree
Bullet; Blue Features by lauraypablo
Bullet; Blue Features by Methyss
Bullet; Blue Features by MonochromaticART
Bullet; Blue Features by PriscillaSantanaArts
Bullet; Blue Features by Yuukon
Bullet; Blue One exclusive stock from Wesley-Souza 
Bullet; Blue One exclusive stock from HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Blue One commission from Simetrah
Bullet; Blue Lama from TheNaughtyPirate
Bullet; Blue Lama from tornadoeyesART
Bullet; Blue Lama from AmberSeree
Bullet; Blue Lama from lauraypablo
Bullet; Blue Lama from Subtle-War
Bullet; Blue Lama from lDestiny
Bullet; Blue Lama from  Methyss
Bullet; Blue Lama from  stefanie-saw
Bullet; Blue Lama from  MonochromaticART
Bullet; Blue Lama from  Yuukon
Bullet; Blue Lama from me.

Bullet; Blue 20:points: from Methyss
Bullet; Blue 50Points from the pool donation.
Bullet; Blue 50:points:  from  piaglud
Bullet; Blue Features in Supernatural-art
Bullet; Blue Features in HighQualityArt
Bullet; Blue Features in PsychoArtistUnited
Bullet; Blue Features in All-Artists
Bullet; Blue Features in Conclave-Monstrorum
Bullet; Blue Features by me.
Bullet; Blue Features by HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Blue Features by annewipf
Bullet; Blue Features by  Wesley-Souza 
Bullet; Blue Features by Lolita-Artz
Bullet; Blue Features by tornadoeyesART
Bullet; Blue Features by AmberSeree
Bullet; Blue Features by lauraypablo
Bullet; Blue Features by Methyss
Bullet; Blue Features by MonochromaticART
Bullet; Blue Features by PriscillaSantanaArts
Bullet; Blue Features by Yuukon
Bullet; Blue One exclusive stock from Wesley-Souza 
Bullet; Blue One exclusive stock from HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Blue One commission from Simetrah
Bullet; Blue Lama from TheNaughtyPirate
Bullet; Blue Lama from tornadoeyesART
Bullet; Blue Lama from AmberSeree
Bullet; Blue Lama from lauraypablo
Bullet; Blue Lama from Subtle-War
Bullet; Blue Lama from lDestiny
Bullet; Blue Lama from Methyss
Bullet; Blue Lama from  stefanie-saw
Bullet; Blue Lama from  MonochromaticART
Bullet; Blue Lama from  Yuukon
Bullet; Blue Lama from me.


Captura de pantalla 2016-06-05 a las 9.11.12 a.m. by StarsColdNight
Due lack of Points donations I had to divide again the Points prizes. Entries are chosen by Me and 2 other judges by content, composition and theme. Remember the character doesn´t Has to be a child, it can be anything or anyone.


1º annewipf

Reborn from Ashes by annewipf

Guardians by Wesley-Souza

Fallen Allina by PaladinPainter


1º wafar2798

ohLittleLostFlutePlayer by wafar2798

2º kesbet

The Promise by kesbet

3º jesterry

Repentance by solar-sea

  Gothic Bat Candle (Blue) by AngelicHellraiser HELPING:

:iconphotomanip-contests: :iconcrphotomanipulation: :iconconclave-monstrorum:

  Gothic Bat Candle (Blue) by AngelicHellraiser FAQS: 

        FAQ #157: Can I use things created by other people in my submissions?       
FAQ #306: Does "Crediting" let me use whatever I want? 
FAQ #8: What are violations of the deviantART copyright policy?
FAQ #155: How do I report a deviation which I think breaks the rules?

DESIGN BY iareruss CSS BY NellyAsher
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CD-STOCK's avatar
Congrats to the winners! Wonderful artwork all :heart: