Creatures of the night - Contest winners!

20 min read

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StarsColdNight's avatar

<da:embed wytiwyg="1" profile="youtube" id="liUARLbKwNY">
Contest Hosted by
:iconpsychoartistunited: :iconsupernatural-art: :iconhighqualityart: :iconall-artists:

The best season of the year is here! 

DONATE POINTS HERE --> :iconstarscoldnight:

Running under cover of the moonlight
shadow death row. At the night we're
running wild with no hope for tomorrow...
You really thought you'd see through what
I am and what I need, we are children of
rebellion, we'll fight, we'll bleed.
Don't try to come to preach over us and
over me, we're children of decadence. Children of bodom.

Changed the name from Children to Creatures (people keep thinking is about a kid/baby theme)

Choose your fav description of The title and portray as you wish, all visual art is accepted. It does not Has to be a Halloween art but is best to keep it creepy weird related like halloween mood , it can be any character you like.
Have fun!

 Send me your work or comment below with the link, I will add it to the folder :pumpkin:

1st November 

Feel free to send a note or comment for anything you want to donate. You will be add to our donators list, have one work submit in the VIP folder at HighQualityArt and featured in all my groups :) (Smile)
You can still participate even if you donate prizes.
We will have again two categories as always so more people can win, be sure your donation works for two places in each category. We will have a total of 6 winners.



Free Jack o Lantern Lights by gutterface
    Bullet; Red Digital Art (3D, paintings, manipulations, mixed media, vector, pixel)…
    Bullet; Red Traditional Art (artisan craft, drawings, sculptures, body art, photography)…



Bullet; Blue Has to be New and made only for this contest after the 2th October. Add in the comment area "Made for "Creatures of the night contest ".
Bullet; Blue Send your entry link to me by note so i can add it to the folders. Only 1 entry per member by folder. It means you can submit 1 to Digital art & 1 to Traditional art.
Bullet; Blue The work can be any kind of visual media except Literature
Bullet; BlueFan art is welcome.
Bullet; Blue Credit all the resources used and write them in the artist comment with a direct link to each one of them. (not just to profiles.) 
Check the forbidden sites list  Point Right Legal stock sites problem
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Ms Halloween by letrongdao
 Neon Witch by FleshgoredonChildren of the Night by VampireDarlla
 Red Sushi by kumpan
Sedah by EljudniHelp yourself. by PascalCampion
Summer Vacation Time! by Jack-Burton25
Creepy Gengar by il-Kufa Silenced By The Night by NanoMortisFortune teller by Katerina-Art
Ghost Bride Morgana Cosplay from League of Legends by MorganaCosplay Beauty and the Beast. Beast. by LiigaKlavina


Free Jack o Lantern Lights by gutterface

Pumpkin La by Snowshi1º Places
Bullet; Green 20Points from oshRED
Bullet; Green 900Points from the donation pool.
Bullet; Green Features in HighQualityArt
Bullet; Green Features in Supernatural-art
Bullet; Green Features in PsychoArtistUnited
Bullet; Green Features in All-Artists
Bullet; Green Features by oshRED
Bullet; Green Features by annewipf
Bullet; Green Features by HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Green Features by MetalPorSiempre
Bullet; Green Features by supersnappz16
Bullet; GreenOne exclusive stock pack from me.
Bullet; GreenOne exclusive stock pack from bonbonka
Bullet; GreenOne month folder features in HighQualityArt.
Bullet; GreenOne exclusive stock pack from Art-By-Mel-DA
Bullet; GreenOne exclusive stock from annewipf HermitCrabStock
Bullet; GreenOne commission by BlairFujin
Bullet; GreenOne exclusive stock MonochromaticART
Bullet; Green Llama from me.
Bullet; Green Llama from five-pm
Bullet; Green Llama from oshRED
Bullet; Green Llama from MonochromaticART

Pumpkin La by Snowshi2º Places
Bullet; Green 20Points from oshRED
Bullet; Green 300Points from the donation pool.
Bullet; Green Features in HighQualityArt
Bullet; Green Features in Supernatural-art
Bullet; Green Features in PsychoArtistUnited
Bullet; Green Features by oshRED
Bullet; Green Features by annewipf
Bullet; Green Features by HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Green Features by MetalPorSiempre
Bullet; Green Features by supersnappz16
Bullet; GreenOne commission by BlairFujin
Bullet; GreenOne exclusive stock pack from Art-By-Mel-DA
Bullet; GreenOne exclusive stock pack from bonbonka
Bullet; GreenOne exclusive stock from annewipf HermitCrabStock
Bullet; GreenOne exclusive stock MonochromaticART
Bullet; Green Llama from me.
Bullet; Green Llama from five-pm
Bullet; Green Llama from oshRED
Bullet; Green Llama from MonochromaticART

Pumpkin La by Snowshi3º Places
Bullet; Green 20Points from oshRED
Bullet; Green 100Points from the donation pool.
Bullet; Green Features in HighQualityArt
Bullet; Green Features in Supernatural-art
Bullet; Green Features in PsychoArtistUnited
Bullet; Green Features by oshRED
Bullet; Green Features by annewipf
Bullet; Green Features by HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Green Features by MetalPorSiempre
Bullet; Green Features by supersnappz16
Bullet; GreenOne exclusive stock pack from Art-By-Mel-DA
Bullet; GreenOne exclusive stock pack from bonbonka
Bullet; GreenOne exclusive stock from annewipf HermitCrabStock
Bullet; Green Llama from me.
Bullet; Green Llama from five-pm
Bullet; Green Llama from oshRED
Bullet; Green Llama from MonochromaticART

Free Jack o Lantern Lights by gutterface


:iconoddsandendsartz:  :iconthe-imaginarium:  :iconallcolorsunited: :iconcrphotomanipulation: :iconfantasydreamparadise: :iconmanga-anime--art: :iconphotomanip-contests:  :icontandemfeatures: :iconinspiring-creation: :icondrawing-tutorial: :icondevnews:

Free Jack o Lantern Lights by gutterface


We always take out time to decide. (chosed by me and other 3 anonymous judges according to theme, composition & creativity.) Some other works could have won but did not follow the rules.

Little Vampire by Asteltainn

Creature of the night by ashihmin


aMuddledAttempt by wafar2798

Demented Werewolf by Anesthetic-X

Full Moon by she0wolf

HONORABLE MENTIONS! thank you so much for participating!

I am the Night by Aramisdream Pumpking by VoidJaeger Vampire Detail 2 by corneaandrei Scary Evil Blonde (Happy Halloween :-) by Nianemis girl possessed by Henriqu3Campos WITCHING HOUR by sparklingaliens  Creatures of the Night by vampirekingdom
Creature Of The Night by LouhiArt

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Katerina-Art's avatar
happy for my art to inspired thank you for sharing :heart: