Contest - Dead Memories WINNERS

14 min read

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StarsColdNight's avatar


First place
Left Unsaid by Sangelus
Second place
Love That Never Dies by mootchmonster
Honorable mention
Ink by LiquidFaeStudios

First place
Remember by TheRedRussian
Second place
Honorable mention

The memory is the organism's ability to store, retain, and recall information and experiences.
This theme is very emotional and important so is your job to create an art that shows,makes you feel or express this..For example a lost of somebody, the end of a relation of any kind, a happy moment you tresure, etc.. Anything to do with memories that are gone,lost, remembered always or saved away :)

I like to have two categories, so 2 first places and 2 second places + honorable mentions. You will have to tell me what categorie suits you best.  

Dead Memories - Contest OPEN 8 days left!:thumb251855953:

HOSTED BY :iconstarscoldnight:

The memory is the organism's ability to store, retain, and recall information and experiences.
This theme is very emotional and important so is your job to create an art that shows,makes you feel or express this..For example a lost of somebody, the end of a relation of any kind, a happy moment you tresure, etc.. Anything to do with memories that are gone,lost, remembered always or saved away :)

I like to have two categories, so 2 first places and 2 seco
Dead Memories - Contest OPEN:thumb251855953:

The memory is the organism's ability to store, retain, and recall information and experiences.
This theme is very emotional and important so is your job to create an art that shows,makes you feel or express this..For example a lost of somebody, the end of a relation of any kind, a happy moment you tresure, etc.. Anything to do with memories that are gone,lost, remembered always or saved away :)

I like to have two categories, so 2 first places and 2 second places + honorable mentions. You will have to tell me what categorie suits you best.

:bulletblue: Advance.
:bulletblue: Beginner.

:bulletblue: Th

:bulletblue: Advance.…
:bulletblue: Beginner.…

:bulletblue: The image must be :new: and made JUST FOR THIS CONTEST.
:bulletblue: The artist comment must include "Made for "Dead memories" contest " (and the link to this journal)
:bulletblue: Send me your entrie by note. Remember, you may submit only 1.
:bulletblue: The work can be any kind of media except Literature.
:bulletblue: If its a photo manipulations you must credit all the resources used and write them in the artist comment with a valid link to each one of them.
:bulletblue: Blurry and bad quality will not count as part of the entries.


First places:
:bulletblue: Features by me.
:bulletblue: Features by LouiseD .
:bulletblue: Features by SymphonyOfTreble
:bulletblue: Features by atomicqueen
:bulletblue: Features by AdnilemsAdornments
:bulletblue: Features in Supernatural-art .
:bulletblue: Features in PsychoArtistUnited .
:bulletblue: Features in Eclectic-Tastes .
:bulletblue: Features in dArtzine in the Decemeber special.
:bulletblue: 1 Month membership from me.
:bulletblue: 50:points: from DKSTUDIOS05 . (donated to me)
:bulletblue: 200:points: from LouiseD .
:bulletblue: Llama from me.
:bulletblue: Llama from atomicqueen
:bulletblue: Llama from Alynaris
:bulletblue: One free comission (portraid+BG) from me.
:bulletblue: One free comission (Digital painting) from Captainfusion .
:bulletblue: One free animated comission by meowmeow192
:bulletblue: One free song from Fallen Mind by angelsafterdark
:bulletblue: One llama Keychan from me. (if i still can buy it)

Second places:
:bulletblue: Features by me.
:bulletblue: Features by LouiseD .
:bulletblue: Features by SymphonyOfTreble
:bulletblue: Features by atomicqueen
:bulletblue: Features by AdnilemsAdornments
:bulletblue: Features in Eclectic-Tastes .
:bulletblue: Features in dArtzine in the Decemeber special .
:bulletblue: 100:points: from me.
:bulletblue: 100:points: from LouiseD .
:bulletblue: One free song from Fallen Mind by angelsafterdark
:bulletblue: Llama from me.
:bulletblue: Llama from atomicqueen


Memories by StarsColdNight   Letters by PinkParasol Repressed Memories by JenniferHealy Requiem by noah-kh :thumb188998411: Memories... by Book-cover-designer He Doesn't Love Me Anymore by nxlam1801 vacant by Spinewinder :thumb170801148: :thumb61833844: Faded Memories by Acacia13 melancholy by Ryohei-Hase Memories by StarsColdNight

If you like to donate a prize just send me a note with the detaills and done. You will be featured in my Donators list and receive a llama from me :)
Advice: Insted of donating to me the points, let me add you to the list so you can donate later to the winner.
I like to have two categories, so 2 first places and 2 second places + honorable mentions. You will have to tell me what categorie suits you best.  

Wall of Darkness Skin © Nesmaty
© 2011 - 2024 StarsColdNight
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