About asking for tips

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StarsColdNight's avatar

Hi there :w00t:
So the thing is, i have always helped and show the way to the ones asking how i do my works and stuff..
I know that without learning and practicing you can't improwe thats wy i always tell you what you ask, BUT it has come the time that there are way too many questions and its a bit anoying having to tell all my skills and tips to strangers that never again will talk to me, that just write me to take something from me and not even mentioned in the art made with my tips..So from now on i will no longer response to that kind of questions..
Its also about staying original and not spreading my personal skills arround DA :aww:
I'm sorry about this but i need it to say it :hug:

PS: STOP ASKING ME FOR POINTS. As you can see, i can't donate, all i get is for contests

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Let it snow by StarsColdNight

Skin CSS Trevirke Mono by Kjherstin
ยฉ 2011 - 2024 StarsColdNight
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Noxy-Voorhees's avatar
I agree, spreading your style around to others would make it less ~yours~. :D