StarsColdNight on DeviantArt

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StarsColdNight's avatar

Texture 10 sparks sky stars



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:bulletred: RULES & COMMERCIAL USES :bulletred:

BUY COMMERCIAL use Licenses here

(Have a fee)

:bulletred: BUY BOOK COVERS HERE<-

My exclusive stocks that you buy with :points: points for download DOES NOT grant you commercial license.
You still have to pay the fee below.
The payment also applies to wattpad covers, sold or not to the author.
No free designs for show, pay for the cover license.

Horse/ SIM games/sites, Characters trades or presentations comes with the same fee below.

:bulletred: The payment also needed for wattpad covers, sold or not to the author.
:bulletred: You are not allowed to use my stocks with other artists drawings to make your own Mix, banners etc, this is called arthief
If you are using my stock for commercial use, FIRST email me or note me the final image and then pay the commercial FEE, I have the right to refuse the use of my stock in your work if it doesn't follow my rules and to play safe BEFORE you pay me for the stock.

ALL FRACTALS COME IN JPG FORMAT. to use as PNG use the Screen option in photoshop.


Finally made my own set of fractals with Chaotica :) (Smile) This works perfect with Photoshop using the Screen option.

Copy/paste the image selected in to your work place as a new layer, set the option Screen and you will get the smoke without the black background


FAQ #157: Can I use things created by other people in my submissions? 

FAQ #306: Does "Crediting" let me use whatever I want? 

FAQ #8: What are violations of the deviantART copyright policy?

FAQ #155: How do I report a deviation which I think breaks the rules?

© copyright 2013 - All Rights Reserved. You may not modify, re upload, copy, tube, or claim as your own. Respect the artist. 

Image size
1115x1232px 1.56 MB
© 2014 - 2024 StarsColdNight
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