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So I see you've created a chat account with MudMagic? Very cool! You should have a lot of fun.
Hey, wait! Don't run off yet! There's stuff you need to know first! Do you even know how to move? You're still at the Airport, right? Ok.
Moving and the Basics
Whenever you enter a new room, its name and description will be at the top, and the exits will be at the bottom. The exits will look something like this: (D)ecepticon Nation. So, to go through, you could either type 'd' or 'decepticon nation.' Minus the quotation marks, of course. There! Now you're in the Registration Room!
You can speak by typing " before anything you want to say.
Ex: "Hello! My name's Dreamweaver!
But only the people in your room can hear that. If you want people in other rooms to hear you, type pub instead of ".
Ex: pub Hello! My name's Dreamweaver!
You can also pick things up that are just laying around by using the command 'take (object)'
Substitute (object) for the actual name of what you want to take.
I wouldn't recommend trying to pick anything up in the Registration Room, though.
In the Registration Room
Try to go out the (L)arge Doorway. You can't, can you? Of course Shockwave's not gonna let you out looking like... Well, like nothing. You can use 'look' to look at objects around you. Type 'look unit' Cool, huh? Use 'look (yourname)' to look at yourself.
Ohmigosh! You don't see anything interesting about yourself! Well, we'll just have to fix that!
To describe yourself, type:
Desc me=Description
Erase the bold word Description and then type in a description of your character! Make it at least five sentences long and then press enter! Now look at yourself. You should see what you typed under your name. If you want to see which room you're in, you can also type 'look' by itself. That will also show you the people, exits, and objects in a room.
More to Come!
So I see you've created a chat account with MudMagic? Very cool! You should have a lot of fun.
Hey, wait! Don't run off yet! There's stuff you need to know first! Do you even know how to move? You're still at the Airport, right? Ok.
Moving and the Basics
Whenever you enter a new room, its name and description will be at the top, and the exits will be at the bottom. The exits will look something like this: (D)ecepticon Nation. So, to go through, you could either type 'd' or 'decepticon nation.' Minus the quotation marks, of course. There! Now you're in the Registration Room!
You can speak by typing " before anything you want to say.
Ex: "Hello! My name's Dreamweaver!
But only the people in your room can hear that. If you want people in other rooms to hear you, type pub instead of ".
Ex: pub Hello! My name's Dreamweaver!
You can also pick things up that are just laying around by using the command 'take (object)'
Substitute (object) for the actual name of what you want to take.
I wouldn't recommend trying to pick anything up in the Registration Room, though.
In the Registration Room
Try to go out the (L)arge Doorway. You can't, can you? Of course Shockwave's not gonna let you out looking like... Well, like nothing. You can use 'look' to look at objects around you. Type 'look unit' Cool, huh? Use 'look (yourname)' to look at yourself.
Ohmigosh! You don't see anything interesting about yourself! Well, we'll just have to fix that!
To describe yourself, type:
Desc me=Description
Erase the bold word Description and then type in a description of your character! Make it at least five sentences long and then press enter! Now look at yourself. You should see what you typed under your name. If you want to see which room you're in, you can also type 'look' by itself. That will also show you the people, exits, and objects in a room.
More to Come!
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Because the chat itself is still a WIP, this tutorial is a WIP also! Remember: If you ever need help, you can talk to people!
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is the RP happening anywhere else? or do we have to download this to join the RP.