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Trina Wylington BlazingStar ENG Demo[Discontinued]



Update 10/25/2019: This bank has been discontinued from the Starloid series
The official Blazing Star Act 1 Bank will still be available for purchase until May 20th 2020

Happy New Year! As a special gift i'm releasing this voicebank out for free publicly! This used to be a commercial bank but It just wasn't working as easily as I wanted it too. I try and make my voicebanks super easy to use and this one became a bit more difficult then it should have been.
anyways, enjoy!

Voicebank Preview:

You will need WinRAR to open this file. I'm sorry but the file is HUGE and Zip couldn't compress it enough for DA to hold.

JP Bank
Trina Wylington Blazing Star Demo [Discontinued] by Starlight-Enterprise

Lip Sync Doll
© 2017 - 2024 Starlight-Enterprise
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