Andy and O.P.StardustDragon on DeviantArt

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StardustDragon's avatar

Andy and O.P.



Ah. Sweet Nostalgia. Nothing quite like the image of Andy and O.P. (Optimus Prime) heading out to the ol' fishin' hole.

For the full effect, start whistling the theme from "Transformers".

I was originally going to Photoshop color this like my last piece, but remembered that I had ink brushes and markers I hadn't touched since Christmastime.

I was quite pleased with the results of the brushes. I hope to use them more in the future.
Image size
663x712px 344.93 KB
© 2008 - 2025 StardustDragon
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KaizokuShojo's avatar
That is so random, but it's amusing. XD