StarDragon001's avatar


4 Watchers23 Deviations

Tigress: One Dragon's Pain, Chapter One by StarDragon001, literature

Tigress: One Dragon's Pain by StarDragon001, literature

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Tigress: One Dragon's Pain, Chapter One by StarDragon001, literature

Tigress: One Dragon's Pain by StarDragon001, literature

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  • Oct 22
  • United States
  • Deviant for 10 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (7)
My Bio

Just a guy with too much free time on his hands and not a lot to do. Living in the boonies, while quiet, offers me little in the way of social interaction, hence why I am here. Hoping to get to know a few people here.

Favourite Movies
Star Wars, Dragonheart, Eragon, Star Trek
Favourite TV Shows
Star Trek (from TNG on), Star Wars
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin, Nickelback
Favourite Books
The Halo series
Favourite Games
Star Wars, Star Trek, Halo, Sins of a Solar Empire
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Writing stories, drawing Starship Battles, designing ships
Uploaded over a dozen images of my mural. Still have more to upload, but not tonight. Tired. Will upload more tomorrow. Sleep.
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6/2/2018This is gonna be the start of a long string of journal entries. Decided to actually start using this account, as I have few other places to post my art - drawn and otherwise - and fanfic stories. Not much else to tell. Working on keeping this house together, helping my grandfather while my mother is away (she's typically gone during the week, with some exceptions), and getting paid to do so. Friend of mine (Can't remember his name on this site) suggested I do this, so... here I am. If anyone wants to see a fanfic of mine, just say so - I write them for whatever strikes my fancy at the time. Current running fanfics are Tigress: One ...
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Just now getting into this account and using it. Might as well. Don't have much else to do.
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Profile Comments 2

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Thanks for the watch, much appreciated! by Blackbear972  
Not a problem. I'm always on the lookout for more awesome art.