no, the raimbow flag doesn't mean i am gay. it doesn't mean that i support gay people either. it means that i am open minded. which means that i am not closed minded. which means i have better things to do then to control every aspect of your life as if it was my own. cause we are not the same. and i don't pretend to know everything about life. nobody can ever. but rather, i'd like you to live and make good of your life yourself. it also doesn't mean i will be any more tolerant to garbage. it means that i beleive in and support challenging rules and reality and alternate views on life.
(all this awaits redesign)
this was a sloppy explaination for everyone to wander onto this page.
i don't want any llamas, unless you really think i deserve one. and i don't trade llamas, i will give you a llama only if i feel i should.
keep an eye on these pages because i plan to make them decent Soon™.