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The Isthmus Canal



The Isthmus of Corinth is the narrow land bridge which connects the Peloponnese peninsula with the mainland of Greece, near the city of Corinth. The word "isthmus" comes from the Ancient Greek word for "neck" and refers to the narrowness of the land. Since 1893 the Corinth Canal has run through the 6.3 km wide isthmus, effectively making the Peloponnese an island.

The idea for a short cut to save boats sailing all round the Peloponnese was long considered by the Ancient Greeks.The first attempt to build a canal there, was carried out by the tyrant Periander or Periandros in the 7th century BC. He abandoned the project due to technical difficulties, and instead constructed a simpler and less costly overland stone ramp, named Diolkos, as a portage road. Remnants of Diolkos still exist today next to the modern canal.

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