- Walking fast, faces pass and I'm home bound Sorry just felt the need to do that, but I will get serious. First off Amy looks gorgeous just absolutely gorgeous. The fact that she is so dynamically and dramatic lit just compounds the look of the whole piece. The flow is great as well with the fact that the viewers eyes can easily move from the dress up to her head and then back down through the dust. As for the design of Amy. I will try to avoid the impact on me of her more cartoony eyes because I do not if she was originally like that. The dress really does look great.
Really the only fault I see in this is the cloud and how they look. I know it is in the original but here its jarring I may not have added them here in the first place but its subtraction media so you really can't fix it after you did it but the effect it has is much like the original but here you give it added control which other feels like it lacks which a characteristic of Octavia's that is so often looked over when going for just a visually pleasing work of art and this work dos both with greatness.Good work.