OK, after almost three years it seems like people are still complaining that the celery stalk in looks like a cactus, cucumber, pickle, sock, whatever. So there is going to be an icon contest to design a new STALKERPLZ icon!
Rules are simple:
Design a new icon that looks more like a celery stalk. The celeriest icon will win! Icon must include the word "stalk" somewhere. The winning submission will be chosen by me (=akrasiel) because I don't have time to set up voting. Contest is open for one month, May 20 to June 20, and closes at midnight PST of that day.
The winner will receive 20 points, a llama badge, and a permanent thank-you on the stalkerplz profile page.
***IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ*** Please submit your entries by sending a note, comment, whatever to =akrasiel, NOT to this account. I rarely ever log in here