Daughter of the Liliesssbbforeva on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ssbbforeva/art/Daughter-of-the-Lilies-561753830ssbbforeva

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ssbbforeva's avatar

Daughter of the Lilies



sorry for being rather inactive lately, college shtuff getting in the way of drawing :(

anyways, this here is :iconmegsyv:'s character Thistle, from her awesome webcomic Daughter of the Lilies.
at first glance, it looks like your average fantasy webcomic, complete with orcs and elves. but the quality of the world Meg weaves is simply fantastic, from the packed market streets, to the dappled woods, to the eerie caves that may or may not house a cannibalistic elf (or two!). that said, the best part of her webcomic has to be the excellent cast of characters and just how much fun she has with them, making her Reader Question pages just as enjoyable as the story updates.

Thistle here was a blast to draw, I absolutely adore her design! all those puffy clothes are so much fun! :squee: im really quite happy with how this has turned out (other than that one pant leg, it looks all melty :doh:). oddly enough, I think im happiest with how that rock turned out, probably due to the fact it is the first rock I've drawn that looks relatively rock-like. I should start using references more often. ^^;
the lineart took a while to do, made almost entirely with my brush pens. there are a few mistakes here an there, but nothing too bad.

the scanner reeeaally didn't like the mix of dull greys and bright colors I used, so everything looks a little off, so that's a tad bit annoying.

 if you think you'd like to try out her comic (and I highly recommend you do!) start reading here: www.daughterofthelilies.com/do…

colored with Crayola, Faber Castell, and one black Prismacolor pencil.

Thistle (c) :iconmegsvy:
Artwork (c) me
Image size
2564x3092px 1.78 MB
Date Taken
Sep 17, 2015, 5:58:00 PM
© 2015 - 2025 ssbbforeva
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StellarMoth's avatar
I effing love Thistle! You've done a beautiful job on her!