PMD Explorer Team Star SeekersSrarlight on DeviantArt

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PMD Explorer Team Star Seekers



For the group :iconpmd-explorers:
Note that Team Star Seekers are always available for cameos :XD:
personalities :D
(Leader) Tikay the riolu: As a somewhat over confident riolu, she is used to getting her way with certain things. She is very rash to make decisions and sadly she judges others before she gets to know them. However she not the one to pick a fight and is usually very quiet around other pokemon (well not all pokemon). She does know how to get others steaming mad, however. Although it is sometimes hard to tell, Tikay rather not fight at all. As a riolu ,however, she finds coming up with ways to solve a problem with out sheer force difficult.

(Partner) Gabi the kirlia: As a somewhat misunderstood kirlia; Gabi is often scoffed at for creating wild stories and plans and often putting them into action without anyone’s input. She is the one to come up with a different solution, often the kind no one likes but is necessary. She tries to keep her friend Tikay in order when she loses her temper which can be fairly often if she is tired or grumpy. She chooses not to talk very much because she finds she never knows what to say or rather says the wrong thing; getting her and others into trouble.

Will the new one: This little fuzz ball of fun is the newly hatched member of Team Star Seekers. He does whatever he is told and is being taught how to fight mainly by Tikay. He is hard to discourage and is a very nice fighter. Although he is fairly new to this world he is quick to learn and he tends to ask many questions.
I've praticapated in both mission 2 and event 2 Earning me one Evolution Scroll
Mission 2:…
Evevt 2…
Mission 3:…
Event 3:…
Mission 4:… Note tikay, do to roleplaying, will not be a signifigant part of m4
Any more updates will be made to this application
Edit : I made 2 changes one being (although im so nervous) and update to raichu rank 
and the second being giving gabi heal pulse instead of confusion
Edit 10/6/2011: Completed mission 3 Gabi recieved Cloudy Cloak
Edit 10/8/2011 : Event 3 complete! As soon as I can I'm evolving Will!
**Tikay used the accessory voucher and got her self a packet of bird feathers for whare ever she wished to ware them XD… better view of how they look
Tikay Star Seeker…
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1200x2600px 963.46 KB
© 2011 - 2024 Srarlight
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psychonator17's avatar
I just looked at when Will hatched and was like "IT'S A MIRACLE AFTER 9/11!!!"