Harley QuinnSquirrelShaver on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/squirrelshaver/art/Harley-Quinn-372809601SquirrelShaver

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Harley Quinn



If you follow me on Facebook you may have seen me posting here and there about a Harley Quinn image that I've been TRYING to get out the door and here it finally is.

I was a bit torn with this piece at first and I must have done six to eight different layouts trying to get what I wanted out of it. I'm definitely a fan of the Batman animated series Harley, but I REALLY like the look of the Arkham City video game Harley. The catch with Arkham City Harley is that, with all due respect, she has little personality and zero expression in comparison to the bat-shit-crazy animated series Harley--a character trait that I think really defines the character. I just couldn't get myself to draw the stone faced Harley depicted in the game so I thought I'd try my best to mash the two very different versions of the character together and see what comes out.

Things looked pretty good to me when I was done with the pencils, but I have to admit that I did not foresee how expressive and energetic Ula's colors would make this. Once again I have to tip my hat to her for her making my pencils pale in comparison to the fully rendered color version.

Can't make it to Phoenix Con? No worries. Residual prints will be made available online at www.mikedebalfo.com: [link]

:iconsquirrelshaver: Pencils: me (Mike DeBalfo)

:iconsinhalite: Colors: (Uber-awesome) Ula Moś


- My :facebook: page: [link]
- Website: www.mikedebalfo.com [link]
Image size
638x950px 554.63 KB
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