I am so grateful. Grateful for this community. Grateful for the friends I've made, for the stories I've written. Grateful for the magic we've spread.
So I'm going to try and give something back. This is a multi-part raffle so read on!
Newbie Horse Claim Raffle- CLOSED
The horses below are all available for a new home! The rules are as follows:-Design must stay the same. If you'd like some edits, that's fine, but it unfair for me to give away the design to someone who doesn't even want it.
-You may not sell the horse, at least for 6 months. Give it away to someone else or back to me if you don't want it.
-You may not already have a Drake. These are for newbies!
-You may enter a max of three of the Newbie Raffles. You may only win one horse though!
-To enter, comment with the words "Newbie Raffle Claim -insert ID# here-"




Ends on April 30th
Make a Wish Raffle
As the name says, here you must just make a wish! It can be for horses (certain colors, markings, mutations, etc) or art (from a certain someone) or for senpai to notice you!
I will pick some to fulfill to the best of my abilities. I also encourage anyone who sees something they can either fulfill/partially fulfill to go for it! If you have slots/horses to donate, let me know and I'll add them
Wishes Needing Granting
I wish I had a mare that is Silver Black Sedir. Just looking for a simple horse that I can love and draw with my Black Splash Peafowl Stallion, Edgar.
I would like (just making a varied list)
A dom butterfly
I am not a huge fan of poliminos or appies (unless it is spotted blanket, but beggers can't be choosers)
Lineages also dont matter, but i would like to continue to breed the mutation
(for the rest, i dont care if it is dom or recessive)
Jaguar Peafowl
Aaaand if I had a Drake wish, it'd be for a draugr mare unrelated to my stallion LOL ♥
I've always wanted to obtain a Bifrost or a Skogkatt horse, because these are my favorite mutations
I wouldn't want to be too demanding, but I'd prefer a geno, so I can enjoy designing it
I honestly have many wishes, but currently my two top wishes are a dom halogi or a short-lined wulv mare unrelated to Chasing the Sun/Freki

I wish for a Bifrost Mare <3 either a geno or one I can potentially redesign
I would love to have a Bloodoath mare unrelated to my stallion 20598 IAE's Dharros. It would be even better if she had Bifrost as well, but I'd just love to get the Bloodoath at a bare minimum. bloodoath is 10/10
I have always whished a drakehest ... they're so damn expensive tho
Blue roan semi-leopard appaloosa, stallion. Have always been my wish. I love those colors. And I thought I could make the reference as a sleipnir - these horses just reminds me so much of vikings and Nordic mythology!
If I had a Drake wish it would be to have either a Bifrost, Halogi or Aurorae. Give me them glowing colours ._.
I wish I had 47% of Spyt's pons.

If any of these were granted, even if it was just one, I'd love that! ;3; I have slots to all of these babes, but I'd be overjoyed if I found mates to breed doms from them.
X2086 Azubuike a slot to an unrelated nAth mare
12004 Konungr Ziar slot to an unrelated halogi mare
12030 Dathuil slot to an unrelated holi mare (no splashed holi please D: )
Zevran X3024 slot to an unrelated fawn mare
10094 Ranitomeya slot to an unrelated frauki mare
I'm dying for an Aurorae or a Cavalera ;n; so rare, and I'd just love to try my hand at designing one!
I have noooo Drakes at all and have been trying really hard getting my first one but so far all those plans fell through even though I did artwork for it.
Truthfully a super simple geno would be fine <3 possibly just a perlino/palomino with splash/tobiano?? I dunno. I mean, I'd LOVE to have bifrost on that gene (even just recessive). I'm not too picky.
I don't have any Drake and if I could choose one to have, I'd love a grey with peafowl or bifrost! (I really love grey horses XD)
I've always wanted a Draugr or a Helheim Drake
Make a wish: I'd just love a simplistic yet gorgeous babe that I could spoil!

If we are talking about dream-drake that'd be either dark coated horse with either Aurorae mutation or Helheim+Draugr one)
I'd really love some nice dark reddish bay maybe, with some subtle markings, a nice tobiano pattern can be just as stunning as a peafowl or other pretty mutations, so I'm open to almost everything c:
I'm just joining Drakehest and would adore anybody who gifted a geno or slots to horses. I want to start with something simple, but decently nice, that way I can move forward in the HARPG world without busting my butt too much.
For the make a wish thing... I don't have any Drakes, but I did enter in the Bifrost newbie raffle and realized as I looked at all the different mutations that I would love to have a Drake with Bifrost, Helheim, and Kraken or Aurorae. I think that would be so amazing ;o; I know it's probably a near impossible thing, but that is definitely my wish ;v;
Granted Wishes (always feel free to grant a second part of their wish)
cries i wish i had fawn or wulv child the only two genes ive been seeking
or even just a slot unrelated to either of these two; 20219| AIs Folkvangr or Drakehest Import 3173 so i can get a fawn ;n;
Slot to 5013 SFR's Patronus by SpytFyre-Ranch
Slot to 10048 Night Angel's Always by Night-Angelz
I'd like to find a way to make it possible for this guy: KMS Kid Poco Bar to be transferred into a Drake. Or even just a simple Bay Drake geno so that I can get his design in there. He's a remake of my IRL Horse Angus who had to be put down this past year

Slot to 1622 Coda x 8307 Rosalind Lutece by SpytFyre-Ranch
Breeding Image by SpytFyre-Ranch
And my wish...hmm I'd like a Calavera baby or a wulv or a pretty new starter, pretty ponies basically <333 Art is also nice <3
Slot to wulv bab
Well I have many wishes, but... all that i've wanted since I saw them was a dom with Bifrost, Wulv, Gleipnir or Drakkar ;n; I'd kill for a Wulv Drakkar, but that's a hard wish to grant ;v;
Foal out of 20135 Valdero x 20359 SFR's Brown Chickadee by SpytFyre-Ranch

Would absolutely love a wulv or serpent drake oh my. Wulv has to be my favorite. Just getting my start in drakehest after winning a newbie raffle slot to a bifrost (the foal is being designed lol) and a gracious breeder who allowed me to make payments in art for a slot to one of her mares and one of her stallions. So far my start in this community has been through very kind and patient breeders willing to help out newb and then I come across this make a wish raffle. Thank you so very much for hosting, even if my wish is too much to ask. I love seeing a community willing to lend a hand to those getting their start.

Foal out of X2399 Shadowhunter x 20152 Dead Man Tell No Tales by SpytFyre-Ranch

If I had a Drakehest wish, it would to either get art of my drake babies (cause who doesn't love art!) If it had to be of a drake pon I'd say I'd love to get a pretty panda or or some sort of pretty bright and colorful mutied
Slot to 7777 | RoF Sonoran Gold by sazzy-riza
Slot to 3334 Hottie with the Million Dollar Body by Flamestorm11
I would absolutely love a pale serpent or bifrost, I just think they look really beautiful

Foal out of F139 SFR's Spirit of the Storm x 3741 SFR's Love Bites by SpytFyre-Ranch

Wow, never really had this opportunity! If I had to wish for something, it'd be for a drake that is Buckskin Tobiano Snowflake Appaloos, or something similar! I love the combination of Tobiano Snowflakes and buckskin is my absolute favorite coat color! I love basically any color with a cream gene so, yeah! If it had any mutations that'd be a bonus, but only ones like peafowl where I can still see the snowflake tobiano!

Foal out of 772 SFR's Love is War x Drakehest Import 3233 by KingdomHeartsOrgXII3 and SpytFyre-Ranch
Make a wish: I don't own a Drake, but I've been high key dying inside for a Bifrost ever since I first saw them <3 But I am in love with Longstocking and Frauki as well

Foal out of 20547 Kresnik X 1758 Annushka by FerretRocher
I wish for a drake with a design that a traditional artist can draw. I have one drake but her color is challenging for me to replicate. I have several characters I'm looking to assign horses to so I can get my stories rollin'
I love Bay/Silver Bay or Flaxen chestnuts. Must have blue/green eyes.
I also love duns a LOT!
As far as mutations go, I also really love shield C:

Wish Granter Raffle
A secondary raffle for those who helped in the Make a Wish Raffle. Everyone who helps out is automatically entered (though you don't have to if you don't want to). Winner will receive $100 worth of art credit from me to spend as you please.
Astralseed (unstated)
BardArts (art)
Arborath (unstated)
FerretRocher (art and slots)
The Prize Pot
This is for all the things people plan to donate/add to the list.


grullo splash peafowl - Ee aa nD SplSpl PwlPwl

Pangare on Sooty Seal Bay with Birdcatcher Spots and Chimera (black snowflake appaloosa) (pearl carrier) - EE Ata nprl PP StySty

Sable Cream Champagne Roan Tiger - Genotype: Ee Ata nCr nCh nR TiTi

Black Rabicano Overo Near leopard Appaloosa (blue eyes) - EE aa nRb nO LpLp (patn2patn1)

Sooty Silver Pangare Wild Bay Dun Overo [Hidden] Spotted Blanket (Pearl Carrier) - Ee A+a nprl nD nZ nP nSty nO nLp

Seal Bay Rabicano Overo Snowcap Appaloosa - Ee Ata nRb nO LpLp
6062 Sunset Overdrive
6806 He Who Wanders | Ref
8110 Low Tide Love
8308 Robert Lutece
8552 Too Far Gone
8822 Caravan Palace
9591 Save the Last One
20045 Southern Gothic | Ref
20407 Shadow of Death
X1118 The Suicide King
X1387 Commander Handsome | Ref
X1422 The Binding of Isaac
X1890 Dia de los Muertos
X2007 Dead Weight, Live Bait
X2039 Elastic Heart
X2041 Welcome To Night Vale
X2216 Bad Blood | Ref
X4794 Eenie Meenie Miney Mo
X4826 Take it Like a Champ
X45 DNTS Bendigeidfran
20387 DNTS Moth Princess
9544 Heart of the Mountain
10044 HHE Keeper of Souls (Temp ref)
20346 DNTS Frost
9983 DNTS Celtchar
X2368 DNTS Demin
DNTS Midnight Dream 20203
Drakehest Import 20543 - no doms or Sacrifice allowed. BP or FB required.
![X111 SS Breslin [Thegn] by Owlvis](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/44ac7192-fb63-489c-948f-fec1de7d94d1/da7xk89-bd756281-fcba-46b4-81ce-835b134e94db.png/v1/fit/w_150,h_150,q_70,strp/x111_ss_breslin__thegn__by_owlvis_da7xk89-150.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODUwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNDRhYzcxOTItZmI2My00ODljLTk0OGYtZmVjMWRlN2Q5NGQxXC9kYTd4azg5LWJkNzU2MjgxLWZjYmEtNDZiNC04MWNlLTgzNWIxMzRlOTRkYi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTMwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.Hs1E8Ub3ycWgw-ALhmSQcIuoxDOE-TacRpvxBORhwYc)

Sooty Flaxen Liver Chestnut Kraken - ee AtAt StySty ff nKr
![X3625 DS Enterprise NCC-1701 [Thegn] by Owlvis](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/44ac7192-fb63-489c-948f-fec1de7d94d1/da7xlcs-97eb070c-5976-4cd9-9176-7634c32f36e9.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzQ0YWM3MTkyLWZiNjMtNDg5Yy05NDhmLWZlYzFkZTdkOTRkMVwvZGE3eGxjcy05N2ViMDcwYy01OTc2LTRjZDktOTE3Ni03NjM0YzMyZjM2ZTkucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.AyFZTfoT-Hf3RxlQdqqIJIn6HBJuOaxgROijDIcAx4w)

Sable Champagne Overo Kraken - Ee Ata nCh nO KrKr

Sooty Gold Cream Champagne Roan Peafowl - ee Ata nCr nCh nR nSty nPwl

Black Peafowl (Pearl and Flaxen carrier) - Ee aa nprl nf PwlPwl

Smoky Cream Roan Anthos- Ee aa CrCr nR nAth

Black Peafowl (Flaxen carrier) - Ee aa nf nPwl

pangare classic champagne dun roan shield - Ee aa nD nCh nR nP nShl

Palomino Roan Anthos (Silver Carrier) - ee Ata nCr nR nZ nAth

sooty buckskin ornamental - Ee AtA nCr nSty nOrn

Silver Smoky Grullo Spotted Blanket Peafowl - EE aa nCr nD nZ nLp nPwl
As for slots, I'm willing to help with whoever I can<3 I'll edit this comment or reply to you with what I can help with ^^ Hope it's ok that my buttmunches don't have refs yet >:c
1. 3 Bloops (one per person) from

2. 5 Designs (one per person) from

3. Flat Color of Horse from

4. 3 Images (one per person) from

5. 1 Full Body Traditional Piece from

6. 2 2 cheebs w/ bg entered into a show from

7. Sketch from Nemenos
8. Flat Colored Full Body with Background from Bellum-Letale
9. Full Body Sketches from Norgaard-Stud