Tagged! D=

3 min read

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Spyrre's avatar
Seems like I got tagged for my first meme here in DA by sneaky :iconfamiliaroddlings:  A good excuse to make a new journal after very long time. =)

• You must post these rules.
• Each tagged person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal.
• You have to choose and tag 10 people and post their icons on the same journal.
• Go to their pages and tell them you tagged them!
• No tagbacks.

01. I have 3 cats, some fish in a tank and a little sister.
02. I´m fascinated by unusual/freaky things.
03. I think that most trees look better without leaves because they´ll just hide the awesome patters the branches make.
04. I´m a nostalgia-freak with movies/cartoons/comics, and often looking for new good "old" stuff to check into.
05. I collect movies, but no matter how many I have there are always too few.
06. I think that tarsiers and llamas are awesome.
07. I drink coffee even though I don´t like the taste.
08. I´m tired most of the time I´m supposed to be awake.
09. I don´t drink alcohol or smoke, but not because they aren´t healthy, I´m just not interested of trying them.
10. I have a bad memory.

:iconreymonkey: :iconwuz: :iconart-fromthe-heart: :iconmeroe1313: :iconnirppuli: :icontylppy: :icondargon1: :iconnightxfalling: :iconniinalaaksonen: :iconpippinincarnate:

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wuz's avatar
Got tagged. Well, suppose I might do this afterall. B--)