Map of the Solar System (2021 CE)SpyglassRealms on DeviantArt

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SpyglassRealms's avatar

Map of the Solar System (2021 CE)

Location  The Solar System


Taking a quick break from Diaspora nations to bring you a project that took me 3 days to create: an infographic-style map of our solar system! All information represented here is as up-to-date as I could make it. Yes, Pluto and the other dwarf planets are planets, because I think it's more prudent to listen to the assertions of actual planetary scientists than a bunch of astronomers who stuck an orbit-dynamical requirement into a physically characteristic category because they don't know what they're doing. Selling this one as a print too, because I think it's cool enough for folks to be interested in buying and also because I could really use the cash right about now.
One note I didn't have the space to add: "Haua" is not the official name of Makemake's moon MK2 (yet), but it's one of the proposed names and given the mythological connections (Haua was Makemake's closest companion) it seems the most likely choice by far. Call it preemptive; if the IAU ends up naming it something else I'll just edit the file (and complain to them, again).

Initial version completed 4/03/2021, latest tweak 23/05/2024.
Image size
9000x6000px 7.29 MB
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