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About a month ago we visited NFT NYC to see what all the hype was about. Ran into Gary Vee and Steve J, great to catch up.
Einat & Jules ... we're all pretty happy to be out in the world after this long and cold corona winter..
myself, Liat, Jules, and Moti in Times Square..
Crazy to see all of NYC taken over by NFT's. A lot of force behind the movement, a lot of money and celebrities and companies. Still a very polarizing topic, but we still need to learn about it, right? Doing a lot of learning this year...
How's it going?
How's it going around here? At a glance, it appears that the recommendations team is doing a fantastic job with the home environment. The quality of stuff I'm interested in is way up- all fresh and recent. I don't see much AI artwork, which was really over-taking the place for a moment.
How's everyone feeling these days?
I've had a fun break. Didn't know how much I needed it.
A New Chapter Begins
Dearest Deliciously Devious DeviantArt,
Our community is not only the largest community the Internet has ever seen; I’ve traveled around the world and met so many of you, and through all of my interactions at Comic-Cons, World Tours, Deviant Meets and random gatherings I’ve always said that the very special bond of creativity that binds us all, actually results in a very caring and sweet group of people. Our community of Deviants are also the best, kindest, most sincere people who have ever congregated at such a scale under one umbrella.
I’ve been the Shepard of that umbrella for 22 years, and that has been my greatest joy and my greatest professional love. I’ve tried through all of it to remain centered on the principals and care that each of you have instilled in me, and I’ve tried to push forward standing behind the projects that I felt were the best aligned with our values as a community.
The entire journey of DeviantArt has had its many chapters, this past 5+ years at Wix have
Seeing the world through Rose Colored Glasses
I went to the Whitney Museum in NYC recently to check out the Jasper Johns exhibit. I'm a big fan of his work and I wanted to better understand his twists and turns during the 80's and 90's. Incredible exhibit!
The elevator is HUGE and really awesome at the Whitney..
This isn't Jasper Johns work but anyway it's me checking stuff out
We exited through the gift ship and... We've all heard the expression, "Seeing the world through rose colored glasses", right? Well I had no idea they were such a great life hack.. the Whitney sold these Color Therapy Glasses..
... and they really work! Especially the magenta ones are just incredible for making the best of a gloomy day. If you've never tried it, I highly recommend a pair. Especially if you're sensitive to gloomy days!
I'm not trying to sell products here, but if you want a link on Amazon here it is here it is. There's nicer versions out there but these are $11. ($25 at the Whitney hehe)
Old Watch vs New Watch
Most of you are in a DeviantArt world with two Watch products. The old Watch, that functions like an email client that you remove what you've seen, and keep what you're still reviewing. And the new Watch (off of Home) that is more of a search based feed.
This mixed world isn't meant to be sustained forever. We're very well aware that this complicates the experience. But we're also aware of the gaps between the products, and we're working to bridge the gaps.
There's a lot more to do beyond this that we're simultaneously tackling. Profile Galleries, the new Sidebar, Post feeds, links to tag pages, Home (For You) improvements, iOS & Android updates/alignments, Mobile Web updates, submission process flows, Notes, the new Chat, Profile Improvements, Fav/Collect improvements (making collecting much more fun/easy), Deviation page improvements, Premium Galleries, more powerful For You systems, Topics improvements, New Writer work, Literature support, Group Admin improvements, Group uplifts
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