Nega Girl Coloredspyderbankai on DeviantArt

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spyderbankai's avatar

Nega Girl Colored



Well, Pro posted another great piece of lineart with this alternate version of powergirl. That's right, this was a power girl spin off before I jacked it all up. We'll just say she's from, like, ummm...Earth 46 (also this submission number =3) Anyway if you want to read the real back story of Pro's character, you can read it on the original.

Now, a few notes on this piece, yea the background is missing, I'll go add that in later. I think I'm getting better at muscle form though, I'm especially pleased with the arm. I might have gotten a little carried away with the stomach though.

Thanks to CallMePo for permission to post this.

Inked Creation [C] :iconcallmepo:

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1200x1800px 537.56 KB
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StarDragon77's avatar
Very cool color scheme.

Never would have thought to go in that direction.