Spwinkles on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/spwinkles/art/Iron-Man-Dress-345576121Spwinkles

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Iron Man Dress



Dress design is by :iconkelseymichele:!
When I saw her first four Avenger gown designs I had the strongest desire to make one and finally settled on Iron Man.
Other friends will be joining me and we have almost everyone!
It's been fun seeing their in-progress shots and I am so happy to finally post my (99.9%) completed outfit. Been working on it on and off for months.
I really had no pattern for this so I cut up an old form-fitting dress into the right pieces as a guide and sort of made up the sleeves? @___@;
The (kind of lame) arc reactor is one of those touch-light things. I may make it better later but for now it'll do. xD;;

I never want to see gold piping ever again.
It was the first time making a costume out of stretch PVC! It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though. The red is 4-way stretch and the gold is 2-way stretch. 4-way stretch is my friend or else I wouldn't have been able to fit into that skirt, aha...

The other dresses :iconkelseymichele:
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900x719px 632.45 KB
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