spud133 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/spud133/art/PKMNSkies-Tika-app-713860112spud133

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PKMNSkies: Tika app




Name: Tika Rhine

Age: 21 (Started at 14)

Gender: Female

Species: Kabutops

Hometown: Pewter City

Birthdate: Dec 24th

Height: 6'06"

Occupation: Police Cadet

Nature: Rash

Characteristic: Alert to sounds

Personality: Tika normally keeps to herself and can be very quiet at times as she has low self-esteem of herself when meeting someone new. Tika got good at ignoring anyone that picks on her though if they say crap about her friends/Family the Kabutops will be up in their face. If anyone gets physical with her, she will get physical back.

At times she can also be rash and stubborn as Tika will think on the go, she has good enough speed and defense that she can handle rushing into things if they get worse. Even though Tika wouldn't admit it, she rather likes fighting but sense it got her labeled as a bully by accidentally she would hide this fact and may even turn down fighting others.

Despite all this Tika can be easy to get along with once she allows herself to get to know others better and stop putting herself down.

Ability: Swift Swim


Stone Edge

Liquidation (Water swords!)

Sword Dance


History:  A laboratory that revives and study Fossil pokemons, will sometimes get a rare treat in reviving an anthropomorphic fossil pokemon. Anthropomorphic fossil pokemon are much like the "Caveman" version of anthropomorphic pokemon.

Tika was revived from a Dome Fossil, Some of the scientists wanted to throw her in the exhibit and study how an anthropomorphic Fossil pokemon once may have lived, but others didn't agree because this wasn't a feral fossil pokemon they don't have the right to treat them like one. An anthropomorphic Fossil pokemon has the same capability a normal anthropomorphic Pokemon has, it was decided that they wouldn't throw the young Kabuto into an exhibit. Though none of the scientists really wanted to give the Kabuto to an Orphanage and felt it was best that she may still visit the Lab from time to time, So a Kadabra scientist was willing to adopt the young Kabuto since he and his wife a Clafable was unable to have a child of their own.

The Clafable was pleased to have a child they could raise and the two would try their best to be great parents, Tika grew to love her new parents very much. Once and awhile her father would bring her back to the Lab to meet the other scientist and play with any other anthropomorphic fossil pokemon that have been revived, Such as a young Omanyte. The Fossil pokemon having some form of protective shell on them would sometimes play fight each other and have a grand old time of it.

Eventually as Tika was reaching the age for elementary school her mother wanted the young Kabuto to go to public school so that she had a chance to meet new pokemon, feeling it might help her growth better than just being homeschooled and only ever seen those of her age at the Lab. Tika's father was unsure how the kids at the school would feel of a Fossil pokemon but did agree that it be better for her growth, so Tika was then signed up to the elementary school.

The first time in school was a nervous day for Tika, but she tried her best to make friends with the other kids the only way she know-how. Though it took her a while to understand why play fighting with the other kids wasn't working on making friends, when she found out you don't make friends by attacking the fighting them, it was too late to make up for it and Tika had now been marked as a 'Bully'. None of the kids wanted to have anything to do with them and they were quick to warn others of the school 'bully'. As for Schoolwork Tika had a slight learning disability which meant sometimes she had trouble understanding problems and would need help from a teacher to explain it better, this only made other kids think she was stupid.

When Anti-Bully week came to explain to the school about how kids can handle those that bully them, kids starting STANDING up to Tika even though she had long stopped attacking and play fighting with the other kids, but they still pictured her as a bully. Which resulted in them actually becoming her bullies, as they would gang up on Tika and mentally or sometimes even physically attack her. Which Tika would fight back in self-defense which only helped prove to the others that she was the bully not them, it also didn't help that because she doesn't attack them anymore unless provoked, the other kids believe that their STANDING UP to her was working in scaring the 'bully'.

As time passed her father retired and her parents decide to move to somewhere new, making Tika both excited and nervous. Hopefully she can not pull the same mistakes again and make some new friends in Springleaf...


- Great swimmer and her ability make her able to almost out speed anyone in the water.
- She likes to be around Fossil pokemon.
- Tika's Blood is Blue, just like the Horseshoe crabs Kabutos and kabutops are based off.

- Tika was revived from a Dome fossil that being said, it would mean that she once was alive 300 billion years ago before getting killed and becoming a fossil. She has no memories of her past life what so ever, she does once in a while get nightmares about a meteor hitting the planet. As well as not being a fan of Draco Meteor.

- What the back of Tika's head looks like

Mega Ability: There no cannon Mega Kabutops there for, there is no cannon Mega Ability. So I'm just going to give Tika one of Kabutops other abilities outside of the one she already has. Battle Armor! Protects against critical hits!

Physical changes: Tika gains another set of smaller arms which lacks the Scythe pinkie as her first set of arm's lose their fingers and become full scythes. Her armored exoskeleton is also more spiky and thicker which helps raise her defense, and the tail can preform slashing attacks as well allowing them the ability to defend herself from all sides. Sadly Tika's speed is lower due to the extra armor's weight.

Mental changes: Tika is mostly the same though she does appear to be more Rash and hot headed when in her Mega form.

Tika's Parents: Hubert and Eleanor

Image size
1361x726px 688.29 KB
© 2017 - 2024 spud133
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NathanOM's avatar

the way you made the scythe/claws is a very good attention to detail! she is a very nice character spuds!