VB Tiki Party - The TriadSpookyChan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/spookychan/art/VB-Tiki-Party-The-Triad-87276642SpookyChan

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VB Tiki Party - The Triad



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characters- Doctor Byron Orpheus, The Alchemist, Jefferson Twilight
from- the cartoon, "The Venture Brothers."
media- pencil, photoshop
More Venture Brothers Art- [link]
Part 1- [link]
Part 2- [link]
Part 3- [link]

Sorry this is so late. My hands have gotten worse, and i was a geek who didn't go the Triana and Orpheus route, but instead went with the Triad, because they fucking rock.

Fun fact about image- The Alchemist is drinking Frank Zappa beer. I don't drink beer, but my husband does.

Orpheus is drinking a Mimosa- which i had last night as i was drawing this very slowly.

Jefferson- you should all know that one. ^_~

TOMORROW [or tonight] The crowning image, featuring my own fave character[s]???.... And don't forget the premiere of the new season episode!!!! Sunday, sunday, sunday!

Which HOLY GAWD!! The new episode- hands down- my favorite. Very awesome.

For this week I'll be submitting a new Venture Brothers piece of art every night in honor of the season 3 premiere. [starting June 1st, this Sunday!]

The twist? It's a Tiki Party. So grab your favorite tropical mixed drink, and come celebrate with us.

Also- I'm posting your favorite characters that all of you told me in my journal. ^_~ [i did Tallying!]

Also check out this special the Astrobase Go! is doing with special t-shirts- [link]

Love you guys!
Happy Venture-ing. =D



Venture Bros. © 2008 AstroBase Go!, World Leaders, and Cartoon Network.
Image size
800x882px 221.41 KB
© 2008 - 2025 SpookyChan
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Sadriel-Fett's avatar
I love how Jefferson is stressing out about those Nik-L-Nip's.