Past Sins: Tainted Blessing P8SpokenMind93 on DeviantArt

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Past Sins: Tainted Blessing P8



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For all to read!

Past Sins and Nyx (c) :iconpenstrokepony:
MLPFIM (c) Hasbro, :iconfyre-flye:
In honor of :iconrussiankolz: because he made a very awesome fancomic after the facts of this story
but he sadly left DA or changed his account

I just ADORED working on this page. The "predatory smile" was the hardest to figure out so thank you Penstroke for that imaginary image to figure out x3
Second thing I liked was trying to discern a difference between "Nyx" and "Nightmare Moon". I decided to make the essence of Nightmare Moon's eyes darker blue.

Oh and: I. AM. A. DIRTY. TRACER. (Not that people will care)

<<Chapter 1
<<Chapter 2
<<Chapter 3
<<Chapter 4
<<Chapter 5
<<Chapter 6
<<Chapter 7
<<Chapter 8
<<Chapter 9
<<Chapter 10
<<Chapter 11
<<Chapter 12
<<Chapter 13
<<Chapter 14
<<Chapter 15
<<Chapter 16

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1100x9200px 4.89 MB
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