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Past Sins: Everfree Discovery P1



Past Sins (c) :iconpenstrokepony:
MLPFIM (c) Hasbro, :iconfyre-flye:
In honor of :iconrussiankolz: because he made a very awesome fancomic after the facts of the story "Youngest Immortal"
but he sadly left DA or changed his account

Phew, first page of the next chapter ^^
Nothing really happens in here but a lot of dialogue. You know it's really weird to write Rarity as a word sometimes.



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900x4000px 1.89 MB
© 2013 - 2024 SpokenMind93
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Hi all, my name is Sarah and I just started reading MLP comics and only got into the show last year or the year before because... I'm old enough to know of the other generations before it expanded. So I thought my little pony would be boring like the old versions - Well I used to like the old version when I was little but looking back at them they seem boring. 

But once I got into the Youtube audio fanfictions, I thought why not have a look at My little pony if so many other young adults like it. I get teased by my family for liking it, however as long as other people like it I don't mind the teasing. Without further a due - I will continue reading this comic  (very well made by the way SpokenMind93  ^_^) and any I can find on here. (The only reason I got an account Shhhh)

*poofs out and skips to the next chapter*