splendidriver on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/splendidriver/art/Adult-Mutant-Samurai-Turtles-468430121splendidriver

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splendidriver's avatar

Adult Mutant Samurai Turtles



Because these designs of mine are clearly not teenagers nor ninjas. These are my interpretation of the TMNT's characters, in which I tried to incorporate a lot of elements from different species of real turtles, and Japanese attire, while still maintaining individual personalities of the turtles. I also tried to make the Shredder a bit more Japanese, and Krang a bit more like a modern android. I will continue doing other characters later.

You can see the sketches here www.facebook.com/hahuyhoang.ar…
Image size
4534x4387px 4.99 MB
© 2014 - 2024 splendidriver
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Crumpscringly08's avatar

What if these are the turtles grown up? Putting aside their days as young ninjas in favor of adult and more mature samurai