Nice flyin'Spitshy on DeviantArt

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Nice flyin'



After training in some high-speed fighter jets (they're ponies... WITH WINGS....why would they do this?), and with the day comming to a close, Spitfire was satisfied with the training of Fleet foot and what she could pull off in the air.

Heyoo! Gosh golly jee wizz it's been awhile since my last picture (Just look at this pictures release date and compare it to my last one, yeah it's been awhile I know lol)

So with this one I went down to one of the beaches in my area and took a picture of a sunset that occurred and used that for the background. I toyed around with clothing folds as seen on their flight suits (or G-suits). 

So yeah! Have some other pictures planned so don't chu guys worry! I'm still in the game! Just not as much anymore as I used to be a couple years ago.


Spitfire, Fleet Foot mlp;fim(C) :iconfyre-flye:/Hasbro

Art (C) me :iconspitshy:
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EagleSpartan888's avatar
awesome new work! Great job!