
457 deviations

303 deviations

Doctor Whooves
52 deviations

51 deviations

Yogscast and youtuber stuff
136 deviations

Harry Potter
25 deviations

6 deviations

Other Crossovers
12 deviations

96 deviations

Reference Sheets
13 deviations

Vector Dumps
11 deviations

Art Trades
12 deviations

9 deviations

3 deviations

Contest Prizes
8 deviations

Contest Entries
5 deviations
Accidental Explosions
Everything was peaceful. Quiet. Strife was working, as he always did, floating in the zero-g as he moved holo-screens around in front of him. Blue was elsewhere in the research lab, fiddling with something that perhaps he shouldn't have been fiddling with. And the peace that Strife was enjoying was suddenly shattered as something exploded, the blast shook the room and startled the younger Xektaran out of his focus. The anti-gravs faltered and started to waver, making the gravity unstable. The holographics scattered across the lab started to vanish and the lights flickered on and off." Blue!! " Strife bellowed across the room, a dark-haired...
13 deviations

Other Bits and Bobs
18 deviations

Adventure To Another World Comic. -Old-
4 deviations

Bonus Stuff -Old-
10 deviations

Odds 'n' Sodds -Old-
12 deviations
Take Me Home. Chapter 1
"I don't understand! Why do you insist on seeking revenge on the Princess for something that happened 300 years ago!" A navy blue alicorn yelled across the room to the unicorn stood on the other side.
"You really are stupid, I never did anything wrong, Celestia had no right to exile me!" The unicorn replied, his voice was bitter and full of spite towards his brother.
"Yes she did, you did something that no pony should do, the worst of crimes the worst thing anypony could dream of doing! You ruined my life and I've never received a sorry! You boss me around like a slave and I hate it!" The alicorn yelled. Ever since the two where exiled fro...
Old Crappy Fanfics
2 deviations

5 deviations