Attended Riverside Community Collage until the age of 24. I was mostly self taught in the arts. but has been fortunate to have a mother who is also an artist, and learned much from her. I have been very lucky to have been in the art field in some capacity for 30 years now. I won my first city wide contest when I was 6 and have always known I would be an artist.I began selling my work at 13.A good thing as at 24 I was diagnosed with cancer and was blessed to be able to pay for the treatments, unfortunately for several years after remission I lost the use of my hands and we were worried I would have to put my art career behind me. But just not something I could take. So with a lot of work and retraining I was able to get my hads to work well again though I still have less feeling in them than I once did. I have been working as a freelance artist full time since 1997taking private commissions, doing band tees and cds as well as product clean up for companies. In the last several years I have also branched back out into jewelry making though it's been 20 years since I did it I've somehow kept the knack. I've enjoyed greatly meeting the people who were my "boss" for the time I was honored enough to work for. I can't wait to see what the future holds and am very glad to still be here to enjoy it.
Personal Quote: "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."