SpiritOnParole's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Varied
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (37)
BlackBerry: Exclusive Neil Gaiman BlackBerry Badge
My Bio

Attended Riverside Community Collage until the age of 24. I was mostly self taught in the arts. but has been fortunate to have a mother who is also an artist, and learned much from her. I have been very lucky to have been in the art field in some capacity for 30 years now. I won my first city wide contest when I was 6 and have always known I would be an artist.I began selling my work at 13.A good thing as at 24 I was diagnosed with cancer and was blessed to be able to pay for the treatments, unfortunately for several years after remission I lost the use of my hands and we were worried I would have to put my art career behind me. But just not something I could take. So with a lot of work and retraining I was able to get my hads to work well again though I still have less feeling in them than I once did. I have been working as a freelance artist full time since 1997taking private commissions, doing band tees and cds as well as product clean up for companies. In the last several years I have also branched back out into jewelry making though it's been 20 years since I did it I've somehow kept the knack. I've enjoyed greatly meeting the people who were my "boss" for the time I was honored enough to work for. I can't wait to see what the future holds and am very glad to still be here to enjoy it.

Personal Quote: "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."

Favourite Visual Artist
Maxfield Parish, Dorian Cleavenger, Louise Royo
Favourite Movies
to many to list
Favourite TV Shows
Not many. I don't much watch tv anymore. The news, Vanguard on Current, My [as]
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Way to many to name
Favourite Books
Fantasy/scifi but will read anything!
Favourite Writers
Tad Williams, Robert Jordan
Favourite Games
I don't play games. Did about 10 years ago... but honestly I'd rather be outside.
Favourite Gaming Platform
see above
Tools of the Trade
Graphite, colored pencil, ink, gouache, pastels, acrylic, cs3 and wacom tablet, pretty much anything
Other Interests
anything art, Gardening, Walking, my birds, politics, theological discussion
Been having LOTS of energy lately. Don't know where it came from but i'll take it. Stores are doing well enough that i am taking some time to do some more fan art. Doing my 2 to 5 miles a day religiously again... I had not walked in a while. To much to do. Look for new Fan art here in the coming weeks! X3
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Very behind schedule... but it has been worth it. While the official launch is still some time away (hopefully before late Nov.) sales have already started thanks to a boost in both search and those who were familiar with my work from other stores. So I figured I'd give my followers here a pre launch look. :)It's called "Say it with Symbols" as I have always been fascinated with them. Not just how artistic they are, but that they are one of the oldest forms of communication. With a single symbol or a combination one can articulate everything from danger ahead to a theological belief. What a universal yet simple way to communicate! Check ou...
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Simi Finalists are in! Check em out here: http://news.deviantart.com/article/129236/Congrats to the winners so far. :)I will be leaving the low res ones here up for three days if anyone wants to d/l them. But then they come down so I can offer them up at my site after some redesigns. ;) Thank you to Toshiba for helping me break out of my artist block! LOL look for some of these on my new Tee Shirts for next year. We've managed to have a really good year last and this so we will be expanding next year!Tara Rock Angel Galleries
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Profile Comments 143

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Thankyou kindly for the watch :D
Hello fellow Deviant! I noticed that you like Blood+ & I was just wondering , would you consider joining the Blood Plus role play group blood-plus--rp.deviantart.com/ ? Because our group was founded a month ago, we are in desperate need of members , it'd be nice if you agree to join. Should you choose to join, the following characters have already been claimed : Saya, our founder,Otonashi---Saya , Diva,our co founder ,  Diva---blueroses, Mao, Mao-Jahana , Min is mine, min-talkativehappy  , Hagi,Chevalier--Haji I eagerly wait for your reply.
thanks for the mutual watch ^^
you should do one of sloth from the first season
Thanks for the :iconpikafavplz: sis!~
Anytime Doll! X3 we artistic souls gotta be there for each other!