Spirit-of-Laharah's avatar


is always lost in her dreams
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Traditional Art
  • Oct 28, 1987
  • Russia
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • She / Her
My Bio
Current Residence: Abakan, somewhere in snowy Russia...
Personality: I'm friendly for those who don't trouble me a lot. I'm polite, modest (within reasonable limits), have a strange sense of humor (rather pervy), honest (at least I believe I am), I can go too far as well as to linger for too long, I wish I were wiser so that I didn't make silly things, which harm me and others (honestly, it's unintentionally!). All-in-all, I love people but sometimes I just get tired of their presence Sweating a little...
My goal in life: I truly believe that there is the special place in life saved for my confident self, and I'm gonna find it Nod
Favourite characters: Optimus Prime, Dante (Devil May Cry), Alucard (Hellsing), Neuro Nougami, Claude (Kuroshitsuji), Boromir, Faramir, Thorin II (The Hobbit, an unexpected journey), Thor ("Thor", 2011), Micheal Knight, Zorro...
Personal Quote: Поживем - увидим, доживем - узнаем, выживем - учтем
Кошка, которая гуляет сама по себе / The cat that walks by herself
Если жизнь закрывает все двери, она оставляет открытым окно. Только нужно его искать / If life closes all the doors, it leaves a window open. One only needs to find it
Rise and rise again until lambs become lions - from a "Robin Hood" movie


Gondorian stamp by purgatoriUntitled by
Horse Stamp by NativeHorse32 Boromir stamp by purgatori
Scorpio 2 by SquallxZell-Leonhart FB Zodiac: Cat by KTstamps
Stamp Darksiders War by VanoVaemoneUntitled by

Favourite Visual Artist
Sean Bean
Favourite Movies
Transformers, the Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit (P.Jackson's), erotic (Tinto Brass')
Favourite TV Shows
Knight Rider (1982-1986), Zorro (1957-1959), Star Trek (1966-1969)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Roxette, David Hasselhoff
Favourite Books
Hitman: Enemy within, Rex Stout's
Favourite Writers
M. Lermontov, L. Tolstoy
Favourite Games
RPG, RTS. Series of Cossacks, GTA San Andreas, GTA IV, The Lord of the Rings the Rise of the Witch-King, The two worlds, Darksiders, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Alice: Madness Returns...
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, android
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, colorful pencils and pens, watercolors, pastels, camera, beads
Other Interests

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:woohoo: :party: :iconcakelickplz: !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :iconcakelickplz: :party: :woohoo:

It's October 28th which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team :love:

Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: KoudelkaW
 F2U: Black Neko Blob IconF2U: Purple Pink Pop Neko Blob IconF2U: Bright Orange Neko Blob IconF2U: Bunny Blob (experiment)F2U: Greenish Neko Blob IconF2U: Tangerine Neko Blob IconF2U: Baby Pink Neko Blob IconF2U: Snow Blue Neko Blob IconF2U: Purple Bunny BlobF2U: Glowing Blue Neko Blob IconF2U: White Neko Blob IconF2U: Black Neko Blob Icon
[PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon{F2U} Animated Pixel Eye - Pink v1 ''Graynbow'' orbCan't dance THRILLER!Can't dance THRILLER!Can't dance THRILLER! eye  TV emoticon  F2U | Blinking Eye  TV emoticonCan't dance THRILLER!Can't dance THRILLER!Can't dance THRILLER!eye ''Graynbow'' orb {F2U} Animated Pixel Eye - Pink v2[PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon
   bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesStack of Books   Pastel Purple Eye   Evil Robot   Blixer JSAB [Icon] Evil Robot (invertred)  Red Eye   Stack of Books bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
   bunch of smiley facesMoving Eyeballs Kakigoori 50x50 iconI Candle 50x50 iconAright_blink_left_50x50  [Retro Glitch] H [Retro Glitch] A [Retro Glitch] P [Retro Glitch] P [Retro Glitch] YAright_blink_right_50x50I Candle 50x50 iconMoving Eyeballs Kakigoori 50x50 iconbunch of smiley faces
    Moving Eyeballs Tower Cake 50x50 iconThe CAT - Five Nights at Candy's - Icon GIFSkeleton Hand Left[Retro Glitch] B [Retro Glitch] I [Retro Glitch] R [Retro Glitch] T [Retro Glitch] H [Retro Glitch] D [Retro Glitch] A[Retro Glitch] YSkeleton Hand RightThe CAT - Five Nights at Candy's - Icon GIFMoving Eyeballs Tower Cake 50x50 icon
[PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon {F2U} Animated Pixel Eye - Green v1 ''Graynbow'' orb  Can't dance THRILLER!Can't dance THRILLER!Can't dance THRILLER!eyeTV emoticonBill Cipher IconTV emoticoneyeCan't dance THRILLER!Can't dance THRILLER!Can't dance THRILLER! ''Graynbow'' orb {F2U} Animated Pixel Eye - Green v2 [PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon
 F2U: Black Neko Blob IconF2U: Purple Pink Pop Neko Blob IconF2U: Bright Orange Neko Blob IconF2U: Bunny Blob (experiment)F2U: Greenish Neko Blob IconF2U: Tangerine Neko Blob IconF2U: Baby Pink Neko Blob IconF2U: Snow Blue Neko Blob IconF2U: Purple Bunny BlobF2U: Glowing Blue Neko Blob IconF2U: White Neko Blob Icon F2U: Black Neko Blob Icon
:iconrainbowbummiecakeplz:Boogie!Party Happy, Happy Birthday to you, my dear! ^.^ Tight Hug:iconhappybirthday2plz: 
:iconcookiecakeplz::iconpresentplz:Have a lovely day with best wishes!:iconpinkballoonplz:Here's a kiss for you, my love! Cuddling up with someone close... :iconcakechocplz:
Happy birthday!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Strawberry Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon