Spiral--Knights's avatar


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What's up everyone?
Good day to all of you.

If anyone wants to add me, it's Sentient-Shade, and if anyone's interested, I'm running a fairly new guild, one that's teamwork-oriented and based on communication and friendship, named Black Knightmares (ironically enough). Accepting any recruits willing to join! Note me for further details.

I play Spiral Knights! :3

Friend me, please! My Knight's name is Julitza.
hello, I play spiral knight
deviantART muro drawing Comment Drawing
Hey, thank you very much for adding my submission to the group gallery! I very much appreciate it!
If you want to meet me in SK, my ign is Supadupazekrom
if anyone wants to be my friend on SK im "cato-clove", i love to make new friends ^_^