Huanghetitan ruyangensisSpinoInWonderland on DeviantArt

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Huanghetitan ruyangensis



Huanghetitan ruyangensis - The giant of the Yellow River

Temporal Range: Middle Cretaceous, Cenomanian, around ~100-94 Ma?

Length: Around ~30 metres?
Probable mass: Around ~50-75 tonnes?

Etymology: Titan of the Yellow River

Huanghetitan ruyangensis is probably among the largest known dinosaurs known from fossil bones in Asia. It is known from a partial vertebral column and several ribs. It was attributed a "deepest body cavity" record due to the size of it's ribs, the longest of which approach 3 metres. However, this record attribution is an exaggeration, as the Late Jurassic diplodocid Supersaurus vivianae has ribs outmatching those of the longest known H. ruyangensis ribs in length.

Based on :iconpaleo-king:'s Huanghetitan

UPDATE(8/8/2013): A complete and total change.
Previous version:…

UPDATE(5/11/2017): A complete remake based on :iconpaleo-king:'s skeletal reconstruction. See previous version for comparison
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2717x1671px 2.06 MB
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ForbiddenParadise64's avatar
Somphospondylids outside Titanosauria deserve more attention. Nice one.