Featuring some of the comics series I am working on ;)
Current Residence: R'Lyeh, but sometimes I fly to Xoth in holidays
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX...L
Print preference: Chaosium
Favourite genre of music: Tok'l Metal
Favourite photographer: Fthaggua and Jukshabb (the latter with the flash...)
Favourite style of art: Art'Hropod
Operating System: WidoWs 10
MP3 player of choice: iThaqua
Shell of choice: I don't need shells, I have batwings large enough
Wallpaper of choice: The 9th Dimension is flat enough
Skin of choice: Scaly, possibly
Favourite cartoon character: Zhar & Lloigor. They do great sit-coms together...
Personal Quote: K’thakluth m’khur’g ath’lys! Aÿ Hyloxas! Aÿ Ooroth! Nhxa’ya phn’gleh mhe’pthu! Have I made myself clear?