Spiff101's avatar


Anthony Hernandez
50 Watchers78 Deviations
  • Feb 24
  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (30)
My Bio

My name is Anthony (short for Tony), I am currently attending Los Angeles City College, trying to Major in art so i can either transfer to an Art School... OR get a job in Animation. In order for me to get a job in animation, i must first be TRAINED to animate. Which of course. I'm amateurish at best. I wish to actually improve in my lineart most of all. if i manage to unlock the secret of Line art digital designing, then maybe everything would be smooth sailing, but alas i am at an a disadvantage. I hope to also become a Comic Book artist in the late future, but for now my main focus, my main drive: is to become an animator, so i can prove to a certain somebody i am not a worthless sack-of-crap. I used to have an ambition, a dream, but now, due to certain events in my life, horrible, scarring events, emotionally scarring as well, now all i have is a possibly tainted ambition.

but no need to worry, when i say tainted, i just mean- I want to succeed, surpass my limits, so i can rub it in someone's face. It was never my intention to have this ambition. but now. it's basically all i have left.

Current Residence: City of Angels
deviantWEAR sizing preference: No Preference.
Print preference: Black and White for certain jobs.
Favourite genre of music: Pretty much any music that sounds good to me...
Favourite style of art: Whatever is good Baby. if you can recognize it. it's art.
Operating System: iMac
MP3 player of choice: Iphone(disconnected), Computer
Shell of choice: the thick shell of Denial
Wallpaper of choice: Rigby and Mordecai - Pulp Fiction
Skin of choice: Deviantart's Gray tone
Favourite cartoon character: Tom and Jerry (both Respectfully)
Personal Quote: "Just cause it seems over, doesn't mean it is. so don't overreact."

Favourite Visual Artist
I am my own Favorite artist.
Favourite Movies
no favorites, usually flavor of the month thing.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
BFMV, The Fray, Skillet, some others.
Favourite Writers
Drew Karpyshyn (gotta read mass effect soon)
Favourite Games
Black Ops, Fallout: New Vegas
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox360, PS3 (lol no gaems), PC (sometimes)
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CS3, Led Pencils, drawing pad
Other Interests
Video Games, Drawing, Life
Adult Swim know's how to tug on my heart strings when they brought back Toonami for tonight, The Morning of April 1st, 2012.It's still on right now, playing what i believe is TRI-GUN, and i gotta say. I miss TOM and Toonami alot, brought a tear to my eye. Especially since it was the same old TOM, except he was discussing The Room and gave Mass Effect 3, The Best and Most Accurate Review ANY JOURNALISM WISHED THEY'D GIVEN IT. Seriously, TOM... Damnit we miss you alot.But other than that, Tonight was pretty awesome. I can't wait to see who else has good April Fool's Pranks. So Far... This one is the most Elaborate and waaay to expensive to b...
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but by the end of the day, there won't be anything else left to take. SOPA, yeah that was bad. PIPA, yeah that was bad too.But you don't know about ACTA, do you? This one is faaar worse, and the worst part is. It's already in danger of taking effect, You haven't heard of ACTA? well that's perfectly reasonable considering it wasn't even publicly known until early last year. Many of the people of the internet have recently started protesting, but it seems it's a little too late for the internet to take action.But it's never to late to stand up to injustice, your privacy and your sense of security on the internet will go down, along with your...
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Wow let me just say this game is simply amazing, i started playing in last night in hopes of beating it in under 3 hours, i spend a whole 6-8 hours on it. some of the puzzles were simply dumbfounding near the end. insanity i tell you. I guess whoever said this game was short must have been completely trolling. cause this game... i'm serious, completing it in under 3 hours... you have to like know everything and process thought at super-fast speeds. cause you go from place to place (if you played the game, you'll know what i mean) PLACE- TO- PLACE.and GlaDos is- well dead. but then again. you have to play the game to see the enemy of the ga...
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Profile Comments 189

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Hey i know its late but wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! =D and hope today went well for you =)

i think the most i talk to you and come here is whenever were wishign u happy birthday each year ahhh >< heh
Happy birthday Spiff! I hope today goes perfect for u man and hope u have a wonderful day today =)
Thank You, I am very excited and filled with love today from all my friends! Your comment makes it much better!
Happy to help then =) after all its important for u to enjoy yourself and realize u got plenty of friends that care about you =)
Hay, just realized I put my fan fiction in the wrong place, I don't even know how I did it :icondumbplz:. I'll re-send, just delete the old ones.
Hello there! I found you by clicking on random deviant, and I thought I'd just say hi :iconhave-anicedayplz: