My name is Anthony (short for Tony), I am currently attending Los Angeles City College, trying to Major in art so i can either transfer to an Art School... OR get a job in Animation. In order for me to get a job in animation, i must first be TRAINED to animate. Which of course. I'm amateurish at best. I wish to actually improve in my lineart most of all. if i manage to unlock the secret of Line art digital designing, then maybe everything would be smooth sailing, but alas i am at an a disadvantage. I hope to also become a Comic Book artist in the late future, but for now my main focus, my main drive: is to become an animator, so i can prove to a certain somebody i am not a worthless sack-of-crap. I used to have an ambition, a dream, but now, due to certain events in my life, horrible, scarring events, emotionally scarring as well, now all i have is a possibly tainted ambition.
but no need to worry, when i say tainted, i just mean- I want to succeed, surpass my limits, so i can rub it in someone's face. It was never my intention to have this ambition. but now. it's basically all i have left.
Current Residence: City of Angels
deviantWEAR sizing preference: No Preference.
Print preference: Black and White for certain jobs.
Favourite genre of music: Pretty much any music that sounds good to me...
Favourite style of art: Whatever is good Baby. if you can recognize it. it's art.
Operating System: iMac
MP3 player of choice: Iphone(disconnected), Computer
Shell of choice: the thick shell of Denial
Wallpaper of choice: Rigby and Mordecai - Pulp Fiction
Skin of choice: Deviantart's Gray tone
Favourite cartoon character: Tom and Jerry (both Respectfully)
Personal Quote: "Just cause it seems over, doesn't mean it is. so don't overreact."