Marisa and YangSpideyHog on DeviantArt

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Marisa and Yang



Alternate Title: " Me and Mini me 2 "
(but it looks too "low budget" and diferent to be a sequel  ,so i put that title instead(?))

Long time without making a Touhou fan art, i had a lot of fun makin this one (Spidey experimenting with Drawing style again) but don't worry i'm not gonna change the style too constantly but i'm trying to improve perspective and ....atleast try to make dynamic poses (and more full body drawings) in a future.

also i'm recently going into the Touhou fever so.... i'm probably gonna make more fan arts than this

Music: ||Carpainter|| Mothership


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Interested on watch more Awesome Crossover Fights and Other type of Animation?
Well u're lucky! , because Organization XVX is there for ya! (with Mini Rumble and Riot Rumble Series ,and More stuff to come!)

Youtube Channel: Organization XVX!!

Go check it out! You'll be not dissapointed! (If you support their content ,you also help the artist -wink wink- )


Marisa Kirisame (C) Zun
Yang Xiao Long (C) Rooster Teeth
ART (C) SpideyHog
Image size
1600x1200px 1.03 MB
© 2018 - 2025 SpideyHog
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fastsonicous's avatar

Anyone want to do Taffy Dare from Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels and Yang Xiao Long.