
Cactus Field: Hunters: Task1. Fire Mages (P1.)

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Stern and Martha were lurking from a distance to the Thirsty Cacturne. Stern looked concerned at the high security of the place. "How will we ever get in this building... it looks imposible." Martha was almost laughing at the fact that for the firt time her leader looked miserable and helpless. "Don't worry. We will and shall figure it out." 

As time moved on slowly theye finaly thought of a plan. the plan succeeded and once theye were inside, Stern sat down and sighed hapily "no idea how we did that but i'm glad it worked. now lets wreck th-" before she could finish her sentence she saw a small sandshrew sleeping on the couch. 

"New plan. what are we going to do with this sandshrew" whispered Stern angrily. "We can't just wreck this place when that stupid sandshrew sleeps here." "Calm down Stern. look, we are going to open the safe. take out the money and put it in a bag and then put it next to the sandshrew. So he gets blamed for trying to steal the money. " Stern looked at her friend and nodded. "Lets do this!"

As Martha was doing her plan. Stern walked around quietly, thinking of what she could do. She had no idea. she couldn't break anything because otherwise Kite would wake up, she couldn't just burn the whole place. but she coudln't leave it unharmed to. 

When she saw a few tables she flipped them calmly. also she found some important papers and trew them in the air. when she was done she walked over to Martha. who was almost ready with her plan. Theye nodded at eachother and decided to leave. 

Theye jumped from the window at the back of the building. When landed theye heard someone screaming from the luxury room. "
I think we succeeded our mission" said stern quietly.

As theye ran away from the Thirst Cacturne theye both were giggling. This was their first mission and it went smooth and easy. Theye stopped at the Cactus Fields.

"I never thought doing something bad was do fun." Martha said with a laughing voice. Stern looked confused at her friend, normaly Martha was always quiet and hated to break some stuff. "So what is going to be out next mission captain?"  "uhm let me see" Stern looked into her small bag for her notebook ,she wrote down everything in that notebook. "Ah here it is." she flipped a few pages 

"help preparing a barbecue in celebration of arriving in Geoda" or/and "patrolling the area around the Thirsty Cacturne to keep a lookout for those Ruffians"

First mission. best mission XD
+1 Alluring gem
Team Fire Mages:

P.1: You're here.
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