Adopt #1: Balerina [CLOSED]SpicecreamSundae on DeviantArt

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SpicecreamSundae's avatar

Adopt #1: Balerina [CLOSED]



Owner: :iconaisouinuzuka:


So here she is- I finally set my mind to it and completed my first ever adopt. YAS! Now hopefully, people will be interested in in this lovely Russian ballerina~


Voluntary info:

Suggested names: Anastasia, Mila, Vera, Viktoria, Alexandreia

Suggested personality traits: Cold, secretly sensitive, protective, quiet, strong, stubborn

Inspirations: Traditional costumes for Russian ballerinas and figure skaters (no, I've never seen Y!OI nor was I thinking of it), or a painted doll/ Another more creepy element that you don't have to include if you don't want to, is that she was pushed so hard that her feet are always bleeding/wounded. I was thinking of making her a flower but decided against it.



-I would recommend using the suggested names and personality traits, especially the names, but of course you don't have to.

-Please only buy her if you actually plan to use her. I put a lot of effort into this character.

-You may not regift or resell.

-You don't have to tag me every time you use her or anything outrageous, but please credit me for the design!

-You can change anything about her except her gender and design. (Obviously you can draw her in different ways as long as she keeps this main design)

-Feel free to ask me about anything specific

SB: (starting bid?) Um... 600 pts

AB: (auto buy?): 1000 pts (you can use paypal if you want, I do the 100 points ratio thing)

I will accept art, but I'm very picky and only of it's a few pieces, or a style I love.

The auction will end... hm.. on the 10th? Maybe? Maybe I'd end it earllier or extend the date, not sure yet.


Hhhhhh there, that's finally done!!! ;w; I really hope you like this little girl. It was a lot of fun designing her! (Also, I think you can tell, but yes... she's wearing golden tights XD)

Please let me know if the prices aren't fair or something, or if my terms are wrong- this is my first time doing this and likely not my last, so knowing would be very helpful. Also I will now tag these lovely 3 who were interested~

:iconkatyaham: :iconameliagrayson: :iconsuperpartycat:

Also, only 15 days left to submit for my contest! I would love to have you! <33

I bid thee adieu for now~ Emoji04 
Image size
465x642px 710.82 KB
© 2017 - 2024 SpicecreamSundae
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iCliche's avatar
I want to pull her fabulous long flowing hair so badly. :P