Nausicaa on her moevesphodromantis on DeviantArt

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sphodromantis's avatar

Nausicaa on her moeve



I used watercolour for this one
I wanted to draw her in the forest with a good light, not being sure how i would color the spores, and finally let them white
Image size
800x1137px 915.28 KB
© 2011 - 2025 sphodromantis
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MrDibara's avatar
Well, I'll be damned!
There's no way I'm not favouriting this!

I sadly only got to watch Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind just a couple weeks ago. My first watch.
But... I have no words to describe how much I loved the movie. I loved the characters, I love the enviroment, I loved the theme in general... everything about it was just so special, you know?

So no way I'm gonna let this one go! I'm faving, not only because of what it contains, but also because of how it is made.
You, whoever you are, have done a great job to capture the movie's atmosphere of when Nausicaa goes exploring the Fukui forests. Yeah, okay, you forgot to put her mask on, but I can live without that.
The rest? If I'm being honest, this almost looks like a screenshot taken directly from the movie, It is that good! Congratulations!