Celestia and Luna's Royal Slumber PartySpellboundCanvas on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/spellboundcanvas/art/Celestia-and-Luna-s-Royal-Slumber-Party-733699102SpellboundCanvas

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Celestia and Luna's Royal Slumber Party



After months of Procrastination, and a couple of last minute delays, I was finally able to finish this thing.I am a dummy!  Enjoy some diabetes!:D (Big Grin) 

This is a remake of  Celestia and Luna's Royal Sleepover by SpellboundCanvas

If there was a story to go with this, I would have to say that the princesses were temporarily turned back into fillies by Starlight who has to babysit them now. So the princesses decide to have a royal slumber party in the meantime.
Image size
2476x1750px 1.39 MB
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