speedycatplz3's avatar


Speedy Cat
49 Watchers3 Deviations
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5)
My Bio

Current Residence: With Longcat and possibly Splongcat
Favourite genre of music: Cat music
Favourite style of art: Cat flash animations!

Favourite Visual Artist
Cat artists
Favourite Movies
My own Speedycat Flash movie
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Speedycat Anthem!
Favourite Writers
Cat poem/story writers
Other Interests
Being teh Speedy!
:iconspeedycatplz::iconspeedycatplz2::iconspeedycatplz3: WE WORSHIP :iconltz:!!! Me And Teh Missus!: In recent news, two unknown objects have been spotted above the city of four, nobody knows where they have come from or how they got there. We presently have one of our reporters live at the scene, so, tell me what's the story? Well, it's incredible, I've never seen anything like it before in my life, from what I can see from here is that one object is white in color and towers above everything else, the other object is glowing bright yellow in color and is flying in circles around the tall white object. The citizens here have witnessed eve...
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Profile Comments 71

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now he is slowcat
I like this pun.
deviantART muro drawing Comment Drawing